The Global Daily Watch and National Security
- Archives of the Republic of Vietnam and the East Sea
Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 12, 2023
Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 11, 2023
Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 11, 2023
Xin Dành Một Lời Cám Ơn Ðến Các Thầy Cô Giáo Trong Mùa Lễ Tạ Ơn
Xin Dành Một Lời Cám Ơn Ðến Các Thầy Cô Giáo Trong Mùa Lễ
Tạ Ơn
Người Việt Nam trước năm 1975 có một nền văn hóa mang nặng
lòng tri ân thầy cô giáo được thể hiện rõ nhất qua câu phương ngôn “Mồng Một Tết
Cha, Mồng Ba Tết Thầy.” Thầy đây là thầy cô giáo, chính vì thế ngày Mồng Ba Tết
là ngày thứ ba của những ngày đầu năm, các học trò mang những quà biếu đến thăm
thầy cô giáo để tỏ lòng tôn kính, biết ơn và xem nặng vai trò các thầy cô là rất
khắng khít, gắn bó trong gia đình. Bản thân tôi cũng vậy trong những ngày còn
đi học, cha mẹ tôi thường nhắc nhở tôi đến thăm thầy tôi và biếu thầy chút quà
ý nghĩa. Từ ngày qua Mỹ chắc hẳn có nhiều người Việt đã đi học các lớp ESL
(English as the Second Language,) ít nhiều người Việt cũng mang chút ơn nghĩa với
những người thầy cô giáo đã giúp đỡ mình, khai tâm mình để mình học được tiếng
Anh nơi xứ lạ quȇ người. Các em nhỏ được sinh ra do cha mẹ được mớm bằng những
từ đầu tiȇn như ông, bà, cha, mẹ, được nuối nấng, săn sóc, nhưng theo luật định
thì khi lȇn 5 tuổi bé nào cũng phải đến trường mẫu giáo để các thầy cô giáo
khai tâm, vỡ lòng để các em bắt đầu cuộc hành trình văn hóa rất dài cho đời
mình có khi đến trọn cả cuộc đời của các em.
Ngày Lễ Thanksgiving mang ý nghĩa Tạ Ơn, cả gia đình quay
quần cùng những người thân của mình hay những người mình thương yȇu bȇn bàn ăn,
chia nhau những lời cám ơn chân tình sau một năm dài có được miếng cơm manh áo
lành lặn, hay cám ơn những người đã giúp ta về vật chất, chúng ta cũng dành câu
“Happy Thanksgiving” cho những người xa lạ như các khách hàng ở một tiệm buôn, nhưng
chúng ta thường quȇn đi một lời cám ơn cần có dành cho những người thầy cô giáo
đã mang đến cho ta những thức ăn trí tuệ và tinh thần sẽ đi theo cuộc đời ta
mãi mãi không như những vật chất, tiền bạc, của cải, hay danh vọng rồi sẽ bị hủy
hoại sớm chiều. Một lời Cám ơn trong mùa Lễ Thanksgiving cần nȇn có dành cho các
thầy cô giáo đã dạy ta chữ, tiếng Anh qua các lớp ESL, hay đã dạy dỗ con em
chúng ta nȇn người hữu dụng thay cho mình khi mình tất bật với sinh kế.
Mùa Lễ Tạ Ơn năm nay, chúng ta hãy dành chút tri ân nhớ
đến các thầy cô giáo dù ở học khu nào, dù ở trường học nào nơi con em chúng ta
đi học, hay ở tiểu bang nào, dù ở Trung Tâm Văn Hóa Việt Ngữ nào, và không chỉ
riȇng thầy cô giáo Việt. Chúng ta hãy giúp con em chúng ta biết yȇu thương thầy
cô giáo của chúng và biết tri ân họ vì họ đã mang đến con em chúng ta những nguồn
ánh sáng và trí tuệ cho các em trở thành người hữu ích cho bản thân và xã hội.
Chúng ta có một lời Cám ơn dành cho các thầy cô giáo để làm gương sáng cho con
em chúng ta biết rằng đó là văn hóa, đạo đức cổ truyền của dân tộc Việt.
Mùa Lễ Tạ Ơn năm nay, chúng ta cũng dành chút thì giờ tri
ân nhớ về các thầy cô trong học khu của chúng ta và riȇng đối với học khu East
Side Union High School District nơi có mái trường Trung Học Yerba Buena thân
yȇu và cầu nguyện Ơn Trȇn ban cho cô Hiệu Trưởng và các thầy cô giáo được nhiều
nghị lực, vững lòng tin vào sự thương yȇu của cộng đồng để hướng dẫn con em
chúng ta thành công trȇn đường học tập giúp ích cho tương lai các em hữu dụng cho
cộng đồng và xã hội.
Hoàng Hoa
Thanksgiving 2023
Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 11, 2023
Kính Thông Báo v/v Thành Lập Ủy Ban Bảo Vệ Quyền Giáo Chức Việt Nam * (The Committee of the Vietnamese Teachers’ Rights)
Kính Thông Báo v/v Thành Lập
Ủy Ban Bảo Vệ Quyền Giáo Chức
Việt Nam
(The Committee of the Vietnamese Teachers’
Kính thưa quý bậc Trưởng
Thượng, các Thân Hào và Nhân Sĩ,
Kính thưa quý Lãnh Ðạo
Tinh Thần các Tôn Giáo,
Kính thưa quý Hội Ðoàn,
Ðoàn Thể, các cơ quan Truyền Thông Báo Chí Việt ngữ,
Kính thưa các Cộng Ðồng
Việt Nam tỵ nạn cộng sản tại Bắc Cali,
Kính Thưa quý vị,
Dân tộc Việt Nam chúng
ta có những câu phương ngôn để nói lȇn mối liȇn quan giữa nhà giáo và văn hóa
Việt, “Nhất Tự Vi Sư, Bán Tự Vi Sư,” “Tiȇn Học Lễ Hậu Học Văn,” “Trọng Văn
Khinh Võ,” “Tiếng Việt Còn, Chữ Việt Còn, Người Việt Còn,Tiếng Việt mất, Người
Việt mất.” “Thầy như Cha Mẹ,” vv…
Trong lịch sử Việt Nam
cũng có những nhân vật lẫy lừng mài kiếm dưới trăng nuôi chí cả, hoặc như như
Ðức Hưng Ðạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn với bài Hịch Tướng Sĩ và sách Binh Thư Yếu
Lược, hoặc như chú tiểu Lý Công Uẩn, sau này là Vua Lý Thái Tổ, đốt lá cây đa
để đọc sách xây dựng nhà Hậu Lý, có công giúp truyền bá đạo Phật tại Việt Nam
và xây cất Chùa Một Cột độc đáo nhất nhì thế giới, hoặc Thầy Nguyễn Phi Khanh
đã sinh ra người anh hùng Nguyễn Trãi với bài Bình Ngô Ðại Cáo, về phận nữ nhi
văn hay chữ giõi có Hai Bà Trưng, Bà Triệu, Bà Huyện Thanh Quan, Bà Ðoàn Thị
Ðiểm, Bà Hồ Xuân Hương,.. Thế mới biết người Việt Nam chúng ta dù phận nam nhi
hay nữ nhi đều có những người văn chương xuất chúng làm gương sáng cho các thế
hệ mai sau. Dĩ nhiȇn chúng ta không quȇn rằng người Việt Nam chúng ta hiện nay
tại các quốc gia ngoài Việt Nam đều có những người văn hay chữ giõi, và văn võ
song toàn ngay cả nữ nhi cũng có người là tướng lãnh trong quân đội Hoa Kỳ, là
bác sĩ, kỹ sư mặc dù chúng ta đã ra đi tỵ nạn cộng sản chỉ mới 48 năm.
Bắt nguồn từ những hiện
thực trong cộng đồng Việt Nam tại Bắc California trong hơn tháng qua kể từ
trung tuần tháng 9 năm 2023 chúng tôi đã nhận ra những trăn trở về các sự kiện
phức tạp mang nhiều tiềm ẩn liȇn quan đến nền văn hóa Việt Nam đang xãy ra. Các
sự kiện phức tạp này tuy đơn giản nhưng vì nó xãy ra trong một môi trường đa
văn hóa, đa chủng tộc, vì thế nó mang nhiều tiềm ẩn đáng quan ngại.
Vì những lý do trȇn
chúng tôi xin mạo muội thành lập một Ủy Ban Bảo Vệ Quyền Giáo Chức Việt Nam
(UBBVQGCVN) và quyết định tạm thời tạo dựng một Google™ Group có địa chỉ mang danh xưng
như trȇn UBBVQGCVN. Việc tạo dựng Google™ Group này nhằm mục đích
tập hợp các nghiȇn cứu, các sự kiện đáng ghi nhớ, các tham luận, các đề nghị,…
liȇn quan đến giáo chức Việt Nam để trong trường hợp khẩn thiết các cơ quan
truyền thông hay các cấp thẩm quyền có thể tham khảo. UBBVQGCVN là một tổ chức
phi lợi nhuận, phi đảng phái, phi chính trị, phi tôn giáo, phi quân sự, nhưng
đặt trȇn căn bản hiện thực với dữ kiện và các chuỗi liȇn quan trong sinh hoạt
cộng đồng người Việt tỵ nạn cộng sản tại miền Bắc Cali nhiều hơn trong giai
đoạn này. Google™ Group UBBVQGCVN có tính khép kín (Closed,) các thành viȇn
được chọn lọc trong hơn 420 người hoặc hơn nữa có chữ ký trong cuộc Vận Ðộng Yễm Trợ Cô Hiệu Trưởng Trường TrungHọc Yerba Buena và các bài vỡ chỉ được tham khảo khi cần
đến, trong trường hợp nào đáng quan tâm và ưu tiȇn cho các cấp thẩm quyền.
Chúng tôi sẽ thông báo
đến quý vị những thành viȇn trong Ban Ðiều Hành UBBVQGCVN Google™ Group trong
thời gian sắp đến.
Trân trọng,
Hoàng Hoa,
Trưởng Ban Biȇn Tập
Channel SaigonFilms Media
Web Site
Ngày 18/11/2023
Thư Lưu trữ.
Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 10, 2023
Chương Trình Gây Quỹ Cho Hội Học Sinh Việt Nam Trường Yerba Buena
Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 10, 2023
Cuộc Gặp Gỡ Bất Ngờ với NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17 tại Trại Tù Bù Loi (part 1 and part 2)
Cuộc Gặp Gỡ
Bất Ngờ với NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17 tại Trại Tù Bù Loi
17 tháng 5, 1975, sau ngày miền Nam lọt vào tay giặc, sau khi khi trình diện
Ban Quân Quản cộng sản tôi đi theo mẹ tôi đi làm rẫy tại La Ngà (cây số 102,) hai
hôm sau (19/5/1975) tôi bị du kích VC bắt giải đi Bộ chỉ huy quân Bắc Việt tại
một ngôi chùa bȇn cạnh hòn đá lớn tại Ðịnh Quán (cây số 113) để điều tra. Buổi chiều
tối hôm đó, tay tôi vẫn đang bị cột du kích VC dẫn tôi đi giữa chợ Ðịnh Quán đến
Trường Tiểu Học Ðịnh Quán và xiềng chân tôi tại đây với tội danh là một sĩ quan
“ngụy.” Chân phải tôi mang một sợi dây “lòi tói” một đầu xích vào chân bằng một
ổ khóa, đầu kia xích vào chân bàn học bằng một ổ khóa khác. Mỗi buổi sáng khi đi
vệ sinh đầu lòi tói kia được mở ra, nhưng sợi dây lòi tói được quấn vào chân phải
tôi với hai ổ khóa. Ngày 22 tháng 7, 1975, tôi được chuyển đến trại tập trung Lȇ
Lợi, Long Khánh nguyȇn là Kho Quân Cụ của SÐ18/VNCH.
1977 tôi được chuyển lȇn Ðoàn 500 Phước Long Sông Bé. Ðoàn 500 là một vị trí
núi rừng hoang vu nằm về phía Bắc cầu sông Bé và nằm trọn trong mạn phải (hữu
ngạn) thượng nguồn sông Bé, cây rừng chủ yếu là tre nứa mọc dọc theo hai bȇn bờ
sông Bé,. Từ Ðoàn 500 ra đi phải qua cầu sông Bé, ngày đó gọi là cầu 10T (10 tấn,)
nơi mà vào những buổi trưa sau khi đi cắt tranh, hay đốn tre, hay nhổ khoai mì
tôi thường xuống chân cầu xi măng ngồi nghỉ mệt hay ăn trưa với những củ khoai
mì luộc hay nướng. Thời gian này là lúc gian khổ nhất. Có nhiều khi tôi không
tin sẽ có một ngày về. Nhưng tôi tin vào thuyết định mệnh và sự sinh tồn vì thế
mặc dù đói rét và bệnh tật tôi luôn luôn lạc quan, học hỏi và rèn luyện sức khoẻ.
Sông Bé, nơi thượng nguồn của nó bề ngang sông khoảng 25m là một thử thách lớn
nhất của tôi, vào mùa mưa nước từ nguồn xuống chảy trút cuồn cuộn dâng cao như
thác đỗ, tôi vẫn không cảm thấy sợ hãi vì tôi đã luyện tập bơi lội sang bȇn kia
sông mỗi khi đi tắm. Vì vậy trong một lần cháy rừng, tôi đã bơi dọc theo sông về
trại, vì chiếc bè di tản đã quá đầy không còn chỗ cho tôi. Tôi còn nhớ những tảng
đá hai bȇn bờ sông Bé đã gây cho tôi nổi khiếp sợ nhìn như những con quái thú.
Những ngày ít mưa là những ngày đi rừng chặt tre, nứa, nghe tiếng khỉ hú và trȇu
chọc, nhiều khi một thân một mình giữa rừng hoang vắng tôi đã nén tất cả đau đớn
trong lòng chỉ biết rằng phải có một ngày về và phải còn sự sống cho tôi làm một
điều gì có ích cho những người thân với chút lý tưởng còn sót lại. Dấu vết của
chiếc cầu 10T mà chúng tôi gọi là cầu 10 tấn bắt ngang thượng nguồn Sông Bé, nơi
mỗi trưa, tôi dừng chân giở lon guigoz và ăn những lát khoai mì khô hay chút cơm
dưới chân cầu bằng xi măng và ngắm dòng sông nước chảy chầm chậm, ngày nay vẫn
còn. Thời gian này gian khổ nhất, đói, cực nhọc, bị muỗi mòng, vắt đỉa hút máu,
người tôi chỉ như bộ xương biết đi.
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Từ Ðoàn 500 ra đi phải qua cầu sông Bé, ngày đó gọi là cầu 10T (10 tấn,) |
năm 1978, có cuộc chuyển trại tù cải tạo từ Ðoàn 500 Phước Long đến trại tù Bù
Loi, Phước Long. Chặng đường dài khoảng 80km, các tù nhân cải tạo gồm các sĩ
quan QLVNCH phải gồng gánh mang theo tất cả vật dụng cá nhân gồm lương khô được
thăm nuôi, quần áo, nồi niȇu, lon guigoz, dao rựa, nước uống ước lượng 15kgs
cho một người. Khởi hành từ sáng sớm từ Ðoàn 500 đi trȇn con đường đất đỏ lȇn dốc
xuống dốc đến khoảng 6 giờ tối thì đến láng trại Bù Loi, một khu vực nhỏ gồm những
láng trại cho các tù nhân cải tạo gần với Sóc Bom Bo và nằm giữa Sóc này với chợ
Minh Hưng.
gánh trȇn vai, người tôi mặc chiếc áo vải kaki lính đầy ắp mãnh vá bằng vải bao
cát, trȇn đầu quấn cái khăn nhỏ, chân mang đôi dép nhựa mà có lúc phải cởi bỏ
ra vì mồ hôi làm ẩm đôi chân không bám vào dép được khi bước đi trȇn mặt đường đầy
bụi đất đỏ cao nguyȇn.
trình di chuyển không được cho biết, nhưng chúng tôi phải dậy sớm ăn uống no
mang theo nước uống rồi phải rời trại Ðoàn 500 vừa khi có lệnh báo.
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Cuộc chuyển trại tù cải tạo từ Ðoàn 500 Phước Long đến trại tù Bù Loi, Phước Long. |
Lộ trình di chuyển dài khoảng 80km mới đến Bù Loi, rồi rẽ phải, chúng tôi men theo con đường mòn nhỏ trong rừng dẫn chúng tôi đến một con suối nhỏ, qua một túp lều là lò rèn thì tới khu láng trại với khoảng 2 hay 3 gian mái tranh, vách ngăn bằng phȇn nứa trông thật hiu quạnh và xơ xác thì trời đã chập choạng tối. Bước vào trong chúng tôi nhìn thấy những chiếc chõng phȇn tre đan kết bằng thân cây nứa. Chúng tôi bỏ xuống hành trang và chuẫn bị lon guigoz luộc những củ khoai mì mang theo để ăn. Tôi vẫn còn nhớ, phía sau láng trại còn những cây ớt hiểm mà tôi nghỉ là của những người Thượng đã trồng trước đây. Khu láng trại này với những chiếc chõng tre đã chứng tỏ đã từng có người tù cải tạo ở và họ đã ra đi đâu bỏ trống lại nơi này cho chúng tôi đến.
này tôi mới nghe từ những người cũ còn ở lại cho biết có một toán tù cải tạo vừa
rời bỏ nơi đây đi đâu tôi không biết trong đó có anh Phạm Minh Tâm K25, người từng
cùng tôi dự tranh đi học Trường Võ Bị West Point năm 1970, một người tù cải tạo
nữa là NT Nguyễn Trọng Tường K24 cũng đã rời trại này trước khi tôi đến, nhưng đặc
biệt nhất, NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17 vẫn còn ở lại trại Bù Loi này, nhưng không cùng
láng trại với tôi.
Cuộc Gặp Gỡ Bất Ngờ với NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17 tại Trại Tù
Cải Tạo Bù Loi 1979
Trần Hữu Hạnh K25
(Tiếp theo kỳ trước)
Ðȇm trôi qua tại trại tù cảo tạo Bù Loi thật bình dị cùng
với những chập chờn mệt mõi, đói, và nhớ về quȇ nhà khôn xiết. Cái chõng tre
đôi cho hai người nằm ngủ kȇu cọt kẹt mỗi khi trở mình, phía trȇn đầu giường là
dãy bợ bằng nứa chứa những “hành lý” rách rưới mà tôi mang theo trȇn đường từ
Ðoàn 500 Sông Bé đến đây. Dưới đất, tôi chỉ có đôi “dép râu” còn đầy bụi đỏ mà
ai đó đã cho tôi trước khi lȇn đường từ Ðoàn 500.
Sáng hôm sau, chúng tôi được chia ra nhiều “tổ” để đi
“lao động.” Một tổ đi cắt tranh để lợp thȇm cho nóc láng, một tổ đi chặt nứa để
làm phȇn, một tổ bắt đầu đi thu hoạch củ khoai mì. Về phía Tây của trại tù cảo
tạo Bù Loi (Bù Loi) là những đồi thấp ngút ngàn lúa xanh, xa hơn nữa là những
“rừng” cây khoai mì bát ngát, xa hơn nữa là rừng hoang với cỏ tranh vàng xanh lẫn
lộn. Tôi thuộc tổ đi thu hoạch củ khoai mì và phải đạt “chỉ tiȇu” là 50 kgs mỗi
người tù. Những bao củ khoai mì phải được vác về trại nộp cho “cán bộ VC” có một
“trại viȇn cải tạo” được phân công xem xét và cân đo, và ghi tȇn người tù nào
làm xong chỉ tiȇu lao động. Những trại viȇn cải tạo có thể đi vòng trong rừng
giáp ranh với đường lộ chính, nay 2023 là Ðường Tỉnh Lộ 760 (ÐT760) hay có thể
lấy đường chính là ÐT760 vác bao củ mì về trại. Thời gian này tôi đã tình cờ gặp
NT Trần Minh Chánh K24 đang đi trȇn đường đất đỏ cùng với một người phụ nữ trẻ
với một người nữa như là người em đi thăm ông, và tôi chỉ hỏi thăm ông rồi
thôi. Nhiều năm sau tại Mỹ, khi viếng Lễ Tang Phu Nhân Cố Ðề Ðốc Trần Văn Chơn
tại San Jose, Ca. tôi có gặp lại NT Trần Minh Chánh K24 và được biết người phụ
nữ ấy là bà xã của ông sau này và tôi cùng có chào hỏi phu nhân của NT Chánh
ngày hôm ấy.
Thời gian này tôi rất chú ý tìm kiếm NT Nguyễn Văn Dục
K17, nhưng không sao tìm gặp được và nếu có hỏi thì chẳng biết ai để hỏi và chẳng
biết ai biết vì tôi không biết trại Bù Loi này lớn và đông trại viȇn ra sao;
hơn nữa, trại viȇn chỉ biết đi lao động rồi xong trở về láng trại mình, việc tiếp
xúc nhau coi như nghiȇm cấm ngoại trừ trong cùng “tổ.”
Bù Loi được chia thành hai khu láng trại. Khi đi vào từ
đường lộ đất đỏ nay là ÐT760 sẽ qua một giòng suối cạn chảy qua những viȇn đá
nhỏ và rồi đến một ngã ba. Tại đây nếu rẽ trái sẽ gặp một túp lều làm lò rèn rồi
đi xa nữa sẽ gặp một láng trại, láng trại này chạy song song với một con suối
trước đây khi vào trại, nhưng giờ đây con suối sâu hơn với cây cối mọc um tùm.
Người ta có thể nghe tiếng chim quốc kȇu vào chiều chiều. “Chiều chiều chim vịt
kȇu chiều, buâng khuâng nhớ bạn chín chiều ruột đau.” Lò rèn này có trước khi
tôi đến và xem có vẻ hoạt động từ lâu để làm liềm, búa, dao, rựa, … Như thế trại
Bù Loi đã có từ lâu, có thể cùng thời gian khi tôi đến Ðoàn 500. Nếu từ ngã ba
này đi thẳng vào trong thì sẽ gặp láng trại của tôi bȇn trái con đường mòn, và
nếu đi sâu hơn khoảng 100m thì sẽ gặp một con suối sâu đến gần 2m, tại đây
chúng tôi thay phiȇn nhau đến suối xuống múc nước gánh về láng trại chia nhau nấu
nướng hay tắm rửa. Nếu đi về phía hạ lưu của suối thì chúng tôi có thể tắm giặt,
nhường thượng nguồn cho nước ăn uống. Ngày nay chúng ta biết rằng con suối này
chảy đổ vào Sông Daklap, con sông này chia cắt Bù Loi với Chợ Minh Hưng Bù
Chính những ngày đi múc nước suối này tôi đã gặp một người
trại viȇn tù cải tạo dáng trung niȇn mà tôi ngờ ngợ là NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17.
Tôi đã hỏi “Thưa ông, trước đây ông có bao giờ ở Ðà Lạt?” Ông trả lời “Có.” Tôi
hỏi “Có phải ông tȇn Dục không ạ?” Ông nói “Phải, tôi là Dục. Có phải em học ở
Trường Võ Bị không?” Tôi nói “Dạ phải, em tìm kiếm và muốn gặp anh. Hôm nay thật
là may mắn em gặp gặp anh.” Tôi thật sự không dám gọi NT vì sợ ăng ten nghe thấy.
Ông cho tôi biết ông ở láng trại gần với đường lộ và tôi hẹn sẽ sang thăm ông.
Thắm thoát, vài tháng trôi qua, trời se sắt lạnh. Tưởng
cũng nȇn biết, chiến tranh giữa VC với Campuchea đã và đang diễn ra khốc liệt
vào năm 1977, 1978 và cuối năm 1978 đã diễn ra những căng thẳng vùng biȇn giới
Bắc Việt với Trung cộng cho đến đầu năm 1979 thì chiến sự giữa VC và TC bùng nổ
dọc theo biȇn giới.
Những ngày cuối năm âm lịch lòng tôi thấy nao nao thương
nhớ về quȇ nhà. Ðȇm 30 Tết, trong láng trại, vài anh em quay quần bȇn nhau kể
chuyện chút cho vui thì có người nói chúng tôi xem thử thời vận bằng cách bói
thơ Kim Vân Kiều nghe nói là “linh” lắm. Người ấy có mang theo cuốn Kim Vân Kiều,
tôi đồng ý vào nôn nóng “xem quẻ bói linh” trước. Bȇn ngọn đèn mờ tỏ, tôi nhắm
mắt thinh lặng tập trung rồi lần theo cuốn truyện thơ mà giở vào trang tôi muốn
chọn. Khi giở ra, mọi người cùng xem đọc với tôi những giòng thơ sau làm lòng tôi tȇ tái, đó
là những câu thơ mà Nguyễn Du viết về một cuộc chia ly giữa Thúy Kiều và Thúc
Người lȇn ngựa, kẻ chia bào,
Rừng phong thu đã nhuộm màu quan san.
Dậm hồng bụi cuốn chinh an,
Trông người đã khuất mấy ngàn dâu xanh.
Người về chiếc bóng năm canh,
Kẻ đi muôn dậm một mình xa khơi.
Vầng trăng ai xẻ làm đôi,
Nửa in gối chiếc, nửa khơi dậm sầu.
Than ôi, thế là cuộc chia ly vẫn còn, và quȇ nhà vẫn còn
xa ngoài tầm với!
Ðȇm 30 Giao Thừa trôi qua, lòng tôi buồn hơn khi nào hết,
nghĩ đến nhà, đến thân phận nô lệ, nghĩ đến nước non. Ngày Mồng Một Tết các trại
viȇn được nghỉ lao động và cũng dễ chịu vì bớt bị nghe ngóng theo dõi, và có thể
đi lại tự do, tôi quyết định đi thăm NT Nguyễn Văn Dục. Ngược ra phía đường lộ,
rẽ phải về lò rèn rồi đi thȇm chừng 100m nữa thì đến láng trại của ông, tôi hỏi
những người gần gủi để tìm ông thì gặp ông. Bȇn hiȇn ngoài, ông mời tôi chén nước,
hai anh em chúng tôi kể sơ qua chuyện đi tù, thăm hỏi sức khoẻ và những gì nữa
mà nay tôi không còn nhớ, nhưng ông vẫn luôn lạc quan, tự tin, vui và vẫn dáng
dấp gầy gầy, vẫn với bộ râu, khuôn mặt xương và tôi không nhớ ông đã ốm ra sao,
nhưng không có vẻ gì đau yếu. Rất mừng cho ông. Từ ngày tôi ra Trường cuối năm
1972, đến khi ấy đầu năm 1979, thời gian chỉ có hơn 6 năm vì vậy những tình cảm
huynh đệ vẫn còn như xưa không thay đổi.
Tôi gặp lại NT Nguyễn Văn Dục K17 tại trại tù Bù Loi
trong hoàn cảnh khắc nghiệt của vận mệnh đất nước tưởng như trong giấc mơ. Người
ta có thể gặp nhau trong men say, rượu ngọt và tiếng nhạc quay cuồng, nhưng những
giọt đắng luôn còn tồn tại với cuộc đời như những vết hằn không phai cùng năm
Sunnyvale, Ca. 10/06/2023
(Viết về kỷ
niệm với NT Nguyễn Văn Dục, Cùi 17. Bài viết này chưa hoàn chỉnh các chi tiết bản
đồ, sơ đồ khi tôi đến trại Bù Loi vào năm 1979, và hình ảnh 11 năm sau tôi gặp
lại NT Nguyễn Văn Dục tại Sài Gòn.)
Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 10, 2023
Ðặc San Ða Hiệu (Số 126 10012023.) Cơ Quan Ngôn Luận của Tổng Hội CSVSQ/TVBQGVN
Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 9, 2023
Lễ Trao Ðuốc Thiȇng Truyền Thống cho TTNÐH tại ÐH XXI
Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 9, 2023
Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 8, 2023
VĂN THƯ Số: 001/HDTV&GS/22-24 TỔNG HỘI CSVSQ TRƯỜNG VÕ BỊ QUỐC GIA VIỆT NAM - Thư Ban Chấp Hành Hội Võ Bị Nam California - Thư của CSVSQ/K25/THP Nội Vụ Ðặng Văn Khanh từ Paris
Anh Hạnh K25 thân:
Quyết Ðịnh của Ðại Hội Ðồng XXII. July 2022
Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 8, 2023
Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2023
The California SCR17 May 25, 2005
2005-2006 SENATE BILLS
SB 507 Fishing: trawl nets.
SB 579 Optometry: licenses: advertisements.
SB 592 Acute care hospitals: inpatient pharmacy technician services.
SB 604 Charter schools: funding.
SB 623 Water quality: civil penalties.
SB 666 Congregate living health facilities.
SB 683 Dentistry: licensure.
SB 700 Radiologic technology: radiologist assistants.
SB 718 High-speed pursuits: statewide policy.
SB 733 Public employees' retirement: Butte County.
SB 846 Charter school funding.
SB 856 Sentencing.
SB 873 State Water Plan.
SB 895 Local agencies.
SB 907 Cities.
SB 921 Osteopathic medicine.
SB 937 Liability: obesity.
SB 1166 Water: Flood Protection and Clean, Safe,
Reliable Water Supply Bond and Financing Acts of
2006 and 2010.
SB 1285 Speech-language pathology.
SB 1365 Electrician apprenticeships.
SB 1366 Controlled substances.
SB 1516 Foster care services.
SB 1517 Adult day health care: licensure.
SB 1518 Medi-Cal: eligibility.
SB 1522 Diesel Fuel Tax Law: emergency services
SB 1527 Flood protection work: consolidated permits or
SB 1670 Radiologic technology.
SB 1694 Transportation: federal funds: allocation to
SB 1733 Water quality.
SB 1782 Credit cards.
SB 1786 Public utilities: rates.
SB 1808 Physicians and surgeons: death penalty
SB 1821 Mental health.
SCR 10 Hansen Way.
SCR 11 Tinloy Street.
SB 25 Political Reform Act of 1974.
SB 54 Political Reform Act of 1974.
SB 119 Corporations: board meetings.
SB 128 Gangs.
SB 157 Taxation: installment payment agreements:
business taxpayers.
SB 211 Joint powers agreements: public agencies.
SB 252 Jurors: payment.
SB 306 Special statewide election expenses.
SB 312 Summary judgment.
SB 416 Grand juries.
SB 444 Crime.
SB 528 Judges' retirement.
SB 627 Corporations: usury.
SB 702 Associations.
SB 868 Public works: prevailing wage rates.
SB 1083 California Medical Assistance Commission:
SB 1163 California Critical Infrastructure Facilities
Bond Acts of 2006 and 2010.
SB 1183 Foreign corporations: supermajority vote.
SB 1187 Judges' retirement.
SB 1222 Crime: criminal gangs.
SB 1254 Employee-selected flexible work schedule.
SB 1256 Service employee compensation: gratuities.
SB 1501 Unfair competition: definition.
SB 1636 Trade secrets.
SB 1707 Public contracts: approval of contracts.
SB 1708 Medi-Cal: county organized health systems: fraud.
SB 1710 Education: California American Indian Education
Center Program.
SB 1736 One-to-One Laptop Computer Pilot Program.
SB 1787 Personal income taxes: deductions: health
savings accounts.
SR 7
SB 32 Los Angeles County Regional Airport Authority.
SB 45 Intermodal marine terminals.
SB 46 Occupational safety and health: masonry cutting.
SB 57 Fines and forfeitures.
SB 100 Medi-Cal reimbursement: emergency and trauma
SB 356 Acupuncture.
SB 411 Solid waste: nonbiodegradable materials:
SB 452 Medi-Cal: contracts: disclosure and
SB 489 Workers' compensation.
SB 499 Hospitals: emergency medical services
SB 554 Local agency financing.
SB 563 California certified green business program.
SB 593 Health care costs: recovery.
SB 595 Education and job training: services.
SB 610 Property tax: welfare exemption.
SB 635 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
SB 639 Workers' compensation: experience rating:
occupational classifications.
SB 867 Education finance.
SB 925 High schools: college preparatory courses.
SB 996 Small claims court.
SB 1161 State highways: design-sequencing contracts.
SB 1207 Corporations: uncontested election of a listed
SB 1468 Car washes.
SB 1523 Development projects: superstore retailers.
SB 1526 Pupils: academic support program: dropouts.
SB 1537 Labor and Workforce Development Agency:
California Business Investment Services Unit.
SB 1540 Microenterprises.
SB 1543 High school curriculum: high school coursework
SB 1546 Community colleges: concurrent award of
associate degree and high school diploma.
SB 1549 Minimum school day: high school.
SB 1561 Employment: minors: entertainment industry.
SB 1573 Solid waste: packaging.
SB 1649 Parks and recreation: Outdoor Environmental
Education Program.
SB 1653 K-12 Pupil Support Instructional Materials.
SB 1738 Los Angeles County Regional Airport Authority.
SB 1739 Motor vehicle manufacturers.
SB 1773 Fines and forfeitures.
SB 1775 Economic development lenders.
SB 1777 Juvenile court schools: foster children:
educational services funding.
SB 1778 Solid waste: alternative daily cover: compost.
SB 1779 Rural doctor incentive program.
SB 1780 Health facilities: nosocomial infections.
SB 1781 Workers' compensation: medical treatment.
SB 1783 Workers' compensation.
SB 1816 Energy: gas furnace replacement program.
SB 1818 Attorney's fees.
SB 1834 Housing: residential real property.
SB 1836 Workers' compensation: rulemaking.
SB 1837 Fire protection and prevention: firebreaks.
SCR 56 Latino AIDS Awareness Day.
SCR 126 Importation of liquefied natural gas.
SR 5
SR 16
SB 16 Criminal procedure.
SB 38 Healthy Families Program.
SB 111 Statute of limitations: sex crimes.
SB 171 Interrogation: recording.
SB 208 Transportation: Traffic Congestion Relief
SB 209 Stroke education.
SB 219 School finance.
SB 374 Residential care facilities for the elderly:
SB 380 Foster care: residentially based services:
group homes.
SB 413 School facilities: Williams v. State of
SB 414 Instructional programs: Mathematics and Reading
Professional Development Program.
SB 415 Advance health care directive. ::
SB 432 County fees.
SB 472 Instructional programs: Mathematics and Reading
Professional Development Program.
SB 473 Education: early primary programs.
SB 478 Obscene matter: definition.
SB 526 Long-term health care.
SB 527 Redevelopment: senior housing.
SB 552 Sales and use taxes: exemption:
telecommunication activities.
SB 684 Social sciences curriculum.
SB 941 Emergency medical services fund.
SB 1014 Trial costs: Peterson case.
SB 1128 Sex Offender Punishment, Control, and
Containment Act of 2006.
SB 1142 Instructional programs: Science Teacher
Development Act.
SB 1170 Charter schools: funding.
SB 1190 Instructional programs: Science Teacher
Development Act.
SB 1195 Child care: regional market rates.
SB 1219 Workers' compensation: fellowship programs.
SB 1221 Education: California High School Exit
Examination: graduation rates: ethnicity and
English language learner status.
SB 1248 Long-term health care facilities: resident
SB 1249 Taxation: contributions.
SB 1251 Flood and stormwater management planning.
SB 1263 Income taxes: deductions: long-term care
SB 1264 Student financial aid: Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-V
asconcellos Cal Grant Program.
SB 1265 Political Reform Act of 1974: disclosure of
income: online filing.
SB 1277 Emergency services and care: reimbursement.
SB 1278 Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission.
SB 1279 School facilities: seismic safety: survey.
SB 1291 Sales and use taxes: exemption: manufacturing
and research activities.
SB 1301 Health facilities: reporting and inspection
SB 1312 Health care facilities.
SB 1329 Community development: healthy food choices.
SB 1337 Developmental services: rental assistance.
SB 1338 California Health Care Infrastructure Authority.
SB 1430 The Local Pandemic and Emergency Health
Preparedness Act of 2006.
SB 1445 Military benefits: health care benefits.
SB 1483 Child support.
SB 1510 School accountability: report card.
SB 1570 Foster care: residentially based services: group
SB 1656 Public emergency responses.
SCR 36 Alzheimer's Association anniversary.
SCR 38 Crime victims.
SCR 39 Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
SCR 47 Health Care Decisions Week.
SCR 58 Assisted Living Week.
SCR 74 Lunar New Year.
SCR 75 Girl Scouts.
SCR 76 Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention Month.
SCR 77 Lymphedema Awareness Day.
SCR 78 Greek Independence Day.
SCR 79 Crime victims.
SCR 80 Arthritis awareness.
SCR 81 Asthma Awareness Month.
SCR 82 Day of the Teacher.
SCR 83 Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage
SCR 84 Older Americans Month.
SCR 85 American Stroke Month 2006.
SCR 86 Assisted Living Week.
SCR 87 Health Care Decisions Week.
SCR 106 California Chronic Kidney Disease Education Week.
SCR 121 Ramadan.
SJR 4 Cyprus: reunification.
SJR 19 Reproductive rights: Roe v. Wade.
SJR 20 Women's Equality Day.
SR 24
SB 492 Valley fever: vaccine.
SB 520 Juvenile crime.
SB 539 Child day care: CalWORKs child care program.
SB 676 Medi-Cal: pharmacy reimbursement.
SB 732 Local government finance: enterprise special
SB 817 Murder: special circumstances.
SB 854 Community learning centers.
SB 880 Public employees' retirement: contingency
SB 881 Public employees' retirement: election to First
SB 882 Public employees' retirement: final compensation.
SB 883 Public employees' retirement benefits.
SB 884 Public employees' retirement: benefit increases.
SB 885 County employees' retirement: disability
SB 886 Bureau of State Audits: audit of state safety
SB 887 Public employees' retirement: member
SB 888 Public employees' retirement: hybrid retirement
SB 889 Public employees' retirement: smoothing of gains
and losses.
SB 890 State employment relations: MOU addenda.
SB 891 County employees' retirement: cost reduction.
SB 892 Pension trusts.
SB 893 State teachers' retirement system.
SB 906 Calico: official state silver rush ghost town.
SB 910 Department of Transportation: property transfer.
SB 963 Home detention: electronic monitoring.
SB 975 Air quality: biodiesel fuel.
SB 976 Air quality: Protect California Air Act of 2003:
stationary sources.
SB 977 Hazardous substances: perchlorate.
SB 978 Water use: military land and housing areas.
SB 990 California small business financial development
SB 991 State building standards.
SB 992 Economic development: military bases.
SB 993 CEQA: legislative findings and declarations.
SB 994 General plans.
SB 1001 Income and corporation tax credits: qualified
SB 1063 State employees: furloughs.
SB 1064 State teachers' retirement: disability
retirement benefits.
SB 1065 Public Employees' Retirement System.
SB 1066 State employer-employee relations.
SB 1302 Before and after school programs: grant
management: funding priorities.
SB 1443 Public employees' retirement: retirement
SB 1626 Juvenile crime.
SB 1633 Property tax: seismic retrofitting: tax
SB 1658 Property taxation: exemption.
SB 1671 Spaceports: Mojave Spaceport.
SB 1698 Military and aerospace enterprise development.
SB 1705 Energy: California Environmental Quality Act:
negative declaration: energy infrastructure.
SB 1713 Income and corporation taxes: suit for tax.
SB 1741 Department of General Services.
SB 1759 Health: background checks: fees: inspections.
SB 1772 Public health: vended water.
SBX1 6 Public employees' retirement: final compensation.
SBX1 7 Public employees' retirement: benefit increases.
SBX1 8 State employment relations: MOU addenda.
SBX1 9 Public employees' retirement: election to First
SBX1 10 Public employees' retirement: hybrid programs.
SBX1 11 County employees' retirement: disability
SBX1 12 Public employees' retirement benefits.
SBX1 13 Public employees' retirement: contingency
SCA 11 State employees: employer-employee relations.
SCA 28 Property tax: new construction exclusion:
seismic retrofitting.
SCR 53 Mark C. Salvaggio Interchange.
SCR 54 Valley Fever Awareness Month.
SCR 55 Paul H. Pino Memorial Highway.
SCR 127 Valley Fever Awareness Month.
SJR 1 Lemoore Military Operations Area (MOA)
SR 4
SB 33 Child sexual abuse.
SB 43 Megan's Law: applicable offenses.
SB 61 Common interest developments: elections.
SB 99 State real property: Commission on Asset Review
and Divestiture.
SB 101 Employee compensation.
SB 185 Inmate labor assignments.
SB 186 State highways: relinquishment.
SB 245 Department of General Services: use of state
SB 277 Sex offenders.
SB 288 Gaming.
SB 289 Political Reform Act of 1974: conflicts of
SB 290 Elections.
SB 291 Improper signature-gathering tactics.
SB 304 Common interest developments: ombudsman.
SB 332 Pest control.
SB 340 Stem cell research: revenues.
SB 345 Corporations.
SB 346 Child identity theft.
SB 382 Unemployment Compensation: symphony musicians
SB 396 Telecommunications: toll call pricing.
SB 405 Library district: Banning Unified School
SB 431 Electricity: repowering of facilities.
SB 544 Sex offenders: custody and visitation.
SB 557 Utilities owned by municipal corporations: waste
water treatment plants.
SB 587 Housing: CalHome Program.
SB 625 State and local surplus property: written offer
to sell or lease: economic development purposes.
SB 669 Electricity: cogeneration.
SB 1182 Sex offenders.
SB 1238 Child pornography.
SB 1243 Initiative measures: informational public
SB 1258 Congressional candidates: extension of time.
SB 1297 Crime.
SB 1308 Bribery.
SB 1348 Voter registration: paid circulators.
SB 1351 CalWORKs.
SB 1352 Public Employees' Retirement System: benefits.
SB 1363 Indian gaming.
SB 1364 Marriage licenses: address information.
SB 1413 Political Reform Act of 1974: committees.
SB 1416 Air resources: gasoline supply.
SB 1495 Identity theft: financial crimes.
SB 1499 Civil actions: religious preference.
SB 1560 Common interest developments: governance.
SB 1602 Scalping of tickets.
SB 1728 Energy: renewable energy resources.
SB 1820 Custody and visitation: sex offenders.
SBX2 3 Correctional facilities: revenue bonds.
SCR 1 Joint Rules.
SCR 5 Deputy Bruce Lee Memorial Highway.
SCR 8 Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway.
SCR 13 Child Abuse Prevention Month.
SCR 16 Motorcycle Awareness Month.
SCR 18 Native Americans: California Indian Heritage
SCR 22 California Hispanic Heritage Month.
SCR 35 Polio Awareness Day.
SCR 88 California Hispanic Heritage Month.
SCR 89 Native Americans: California Indian Heritage
SCR 97 Child Abuse Prevention Month.
SCR 101 Motorcycle Awareness Month.
SJR 14 The Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center.
SB 11 Contributions: voting equipment manufacturers or
SB 13 Personal information.
SB 114 Vehicles: safety-related recalls: procedure.
SB 204 Public Utilities Commission: State Energy
Resources Conservation and Development
Commission: commission memberships.
SB 210 Telecommunications: telephone corporations:
SB 370 Elections.
SB 390 Probate assignments: cash advances.
SB 469 Petitions: initiative, referendum, recall.
SB 536 Illegal Drug Lab Cleanup Account:
SB 566 Controlled substances: removal actions.
SB 596 Municipal elections: voting methods.
SB 607 Sales tax: occasional sale.
SB 833 Unsolicited advertising faxes.
SB 852 Identity theft.
SB 860 Credit card processing fees: state agents.
SB 869 Nurse-Family Partnership program.
SB 909 Broadband services.
SB 1016 Voter information: privacy.
SB 1021 Vehicles: safety: infractions.
SB 1028 Hunting: Internet hunting.
SB 1039 Compulsive gambling.
SB 1047 Paid circulators: penalties.
SB 1050 Elections: write-in candidates.
SB 1055 Teachers' Retirement Board.
SB 1062 Victims of crime: domestic violence and sexual
SB 1088 Family law: motions and orders.
SB 1193 Pupil attendance: precinct board membership.
SB 1235 Elections.
SB 1272 Advance health care directives.
SB 1508 Health care coverage: colonoscopies.
SB 1519 Voting systems: recounts
SB 1528 Medi-Cal: covered services: pregnancy.
SB 1532 Household substances: packaging.
SB 1554 Local publicly owned electric utilities: cost
responsibility surcharge.
SB 1598 Petitions: initiative, referendum, recall.
SB 1666 Personal information: prohibited practices.
SB 1668 Child death: review teams.
SB 1688 Foster care: instruction and education pilot
SB 1699 Financial transactions: privacy.
SB 1716 Conservatorships.
SB 1725 Absentee ballots: online information.
SB 1732 Voting: provisional ballots.
SB 1743 Victims of crime.
SB 1744 Information privacy: consumer credit reports.
SB 1747 Elections: counting votes.
SB 1760 Voting systems.
SB 1788 Broadband services.
SB 1822 Organ, tissue, and bone marrow donor programs:
task force.
SBX2 8 Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation:
technology advisory committee.
SJR 7 Equal Pay Day.
SJR 27 Equal Pay Day.
SB 14 Income tax: underpayment penalty relief.
SB 50 Income and corporation taxes: contributions
deduction: tsunami victims.
SB 250 Department of Food and Agriculture: hydrogen
fuel standards.
SB 259 Corporation tax: "S" corporation.
SB 265 Holidays.
SB 268 Local government investment.
SB 270 Corporation Tax Law: net income: apportionment.
SB 280 Tax administration: Taxpayers' Privacy Bill of
SB 296 Trusts.
SB 333 Property taxes: life estate interest.
SB 386 Public Utilities Commission: inspection and
audit of books and records.
SB 402 Telecommunications.
SB 446 Practice of psychology.
SB 468 State highways: safety roadside rest areas.
SB 494 Workers' compensation.
SB 505 Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board: attorney
SB 515 Acupuncture Board.
SB 574 Public utilities: water companies.
SB 641 Electricity: electrical restructuring.
SB 1017 Solar energy: taxation.
SB 1019 Financial institutions.
SB 1022 Limited liability companies.
SB 1058 Recycling residue.
SB 1060 Local government finance: exchanging local sales
and use tax allocations and ad valorem property
tax allocations.
SB 1079 Crystal Cove State Park: operating agreement.
SB 1080 Adult education.
SCR 42 California Law Revision Commission: studies.
SB 60 Vehicles: driver's license.
SB 160 Student financial aid: eligibility: California
Dream Act.
SB 190 Community clinics.
SB 191 Voter registration: public institutions of
higher education.
SB 278 Boxing pensions.
SB 279 Physicians and surgeons: locum tenens services.
SB 328 Reimbursement of state-mandated local costs:
Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights
SB 329 California Prescription Drug Safety and
Effectiveness Commission.
SB 330 Criminal proceedings: mental competency.
SB 331 Workers' compensation: medical fee schedule.
SB 392 Sales and use taxes: public safety and emergency
SB 483 Special districts.
SB 590 Vehicles: evidence of financial responsibility:
penalty: reduction.
SB 591 Impounding: vehicles.
SB 675 Vehicle forfeiture: safe transportation.
SB 1160 Vehicles: driver's license.
SB 1162 Drivers license and identification cards.
SB 1184 Crimes: attempted murder: nonsworn uniformed
employee of a sheriff's department: custody
SB 1218 State employees: State Bargaining Unit 6.
SB 1267 Office of Immigrant Affairs.
SB 1268 Economic development subsidies: review by local
SB 1269 Public safety.
SB 1288 Medi-Cal: minors: drug and alcohol treatment.
SB 1289 Foster children: continuing aid and transitional
SB 1318 Controlled substances: sales near drug treatment
center or homeless shelter.
SB 1319 Homeless persons: release from hospitals and
SB 1320 Probation: Los Angeles County.
SB 1321 Criminal procedure: release from custody in jail.
SB 1322 Housing.
SB 1323 Los Angeles County mental health: treatment
pilot program for felony offenders.
SB 1336 Remote stun guns.
SB 1341 Sales and use tax exemption: charitable thrift
SB 1374 Tax administration: taxpayer information:
SB 1408 Police: notice of recovered vehicle.
SB 1409 Controlled substances: offender registration.
SB 1439 Medi-Cal: adult day health care: meals.
SB 1440 Mental health treatment: exercise of rights:
SB 1469 Medi-Cal: eligibility: juvenile offenders.
SB 1470 Health facility patient charges: copy to health
care practitioner.
SB 1657 Narcotic treatment programs.
SB 1719 Payment of wages.
SCR 112 The Wall Las Memorias Project AIDS monument:
highway signs.
SCR 116 Foster care.
SCR 128 Bill Keene Memorial Interchange.
SCR 129 Los Angeles Police Officer Steven Gajda Memorial
SB 52 2005-06 Budget.
SB 118 Alcoholic beverages: licenses and fees.
SB 127 Alcoholic beverages: licenses.
SB 131 Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers and
rural health clinics: reimbursement rates.
SB 153 Parks and recreation.
SB 154 Public employees' health benefits.
SB 168 Tribal gaming: compact ratification.
SB 189 Health care coverage: substance related
SB 220 Alcoholic beverage control: school property.
SB 224 Health facilities: construction plans.
SB 257 Special needs housing.
SB 258 State hospitals: deaths: memorials.
SB 295 Pierce's Disease Control Program.
SB 299 Dentistry.
SB 303 The Mendocino Winegrape and Wine Commission.
SB 310 Veterans' homes: funding.
SB 481 Self-Directed Services Program.
SB 482 Napa State Hospital: cemetery restoration.
SB 642 Medi-Cal: adult day health care services.
SB 643 Nursing facilities.
SB 721 Elections: ballot pamphlets.
SB 742 Tidelands: City of Eureka.
SB 743 Solid waste rigid plastic packaging containers:
recycling rates: households.
SB 791 Medi-Cal: continuous skilled nursing care
benefit: pilot project.
SB 792 North Coast Railroad Authority.
SB 942 Cigarettes: pollution: litter.
SB 962 Adult Residential Facility for Persons with
Special Health Care Needs: pilot project.
SB 1095 California Conservation Corps: powers and duties.
SB 1125 Natural resources: funding.
SB 1126 Tidelands: City of Eureka.
SB 1127 Salmon fishing: economic aid.
SB 1129 2006-07 Budget.
SB 1140 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1168 Rural Health Care Equity Program.
SB 1224 Vehicles: limitations of access.
SB 1225 Service authority: registration and service fees.
SB 1226 Surplus state property: County of Napa.
SB 1270 Developmental services: service methods.
SB 1283 Area Boards on Developmental Disabilities.
SB 1342 Natural resources.
SB 1343 Flood control: Middle Creek Ecosystem
restoration project.
SB 1344 Recycling: plastic packaging containers.
SB 1345 Environmental quality: public contracts:
recycled products: compost.
SB 1362 Tribal gaming: compact ratification.
SB 1370 Alcoholic beverages: issuance and transfer of
SB 1376 Community Services Block Grant Program: funding.
SB 1380 Alcoholic beverages: California county wine.
SB 1398 Medi-Cal: managed care: reimbursement.
SB 1427 Medi-Cal: federally qualified health centers.
SB 1582 Tribal-state gaming compacts.
SB 1720 Armed Forces: uranium screening.
SB 1755 Medi-Cal: adult day health care services.
SCR 19 Robert G. Mondavi Highway.
SCR 70 Lung Cancer Awareness Month.
SCR 104 Filipino Americans.
SCR 114 Mignon "Minnie" Stoddard Lilley Memorial Bridge.
SCR 115 Year of the Community and Developmental
SJR 12 Wine: user fees.
SJR 23 Veterans' Right to Know Act.
SJR 30 Alcoholic beverages: interstate shipment of wine.
Committee on
SB 1000 Vehicles: special interest license plates:
SCR 26 National Agriculture Week and National
Agriculture Day.
Committee on
Banking, Finance
and Insurance
SB 1104 Fiancial privacy.
SB 1847 Insurance: privacy.
Committee on Budget
and Fiscal Review
SB 62 Transportation.
SB 63 Education finance.
SB 64 State boards and commissions.
SB 65 Education finance.
SB 67 Budget Act of 2005: Court fees.
SB 68 Human services.
SB 71 Resources.
SB 72 Instructional materials: English language
SB 73 Public postsecondary education: master's degree
nursing programs.
SB 76 Energy.
SB 77 2005-06 Budget.
SB 78 Budget Act of 2004: contingencies and
SB 79 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 80 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 81 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 82 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 83 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 84 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 85 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 87 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 89 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 90 Budget Act of 2005.
SB 91 Budget Act of 2004: contingencies and
SB 1130 Human services.
SB 1131 Education funding.
SB 1132 Transportation.
SB 1134 Appropriation for Court Order.
SB 1135 Agricultural Worker Transportation Program.
SB 1136 State bonds: financing and hedging contracts.
SB 1138 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1139 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1141 Tobacco assets: sales.
SB 1143 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1144 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1145 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1146 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1147 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1148 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1149 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1150 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1151 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1152 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1153 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1154 Budget Act of 2005: augmentation.
SB 1155 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1156 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1157 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1158 Budget Act of 2006.
SB 1159 Budget Act of 2006.
Committee on
Professions and
Economic Development
SB 1111 Professions and vocations.
SB 1112 Contractors and architects.
SB 1113 Professions and vocations.
SB 1475 Healing arts.
SB 1849 Professions and vocations.
Committee on
SB 512 Education omnibus.
SB 514 Education technology.
Committee on
Reapportionment and
SB 443 Elections.
SB 784 Campaign contributions.
SB 1276 Omnibus elections bill.
SB 1579 Political Reform Act of 1974: disclosures
Committee on
Energy, Utilities
and Communications
SB 1840 Public safety: State 911 Advisory Board:
passenger stage corporations: charter-party
carriers of passengers: certificates to provide
Committee on
SB 974 CEQA: exemption: rural infrastructure economic
development projects.
SB 979 Recreational uses of reservoirs.
SB 982 Hazardous substances and waste: enforcement:
underground storage tanks.
SB 989 Hazardous material: bona fide ground tenant:
remedial actions.
SB 1106 Public contracts: procurement: recycled goods:
solid waste.
Committee on Health
SB 1850 Health care: training: reporting.
SB 1851 Cancer: informed consent.
Committee on Human
SB 1114 Department of Rehabilitation: blindness.
SB 1214 Community services programs.
Committee on
SB 1108 Maintenance of the codes.
SB 1852 Maintenance of the codes.
Committee on Local
SB 121 Validations.
SB 122 Validations.
SB 123 Validations.
SB 966 Local Government Omnibus Act of 2005 and state
SB 1121 Validations.
SB 1122 Validations.
SB 1123 Validations.
SB 1196 Local Government Omnibus Act of 2006.
Committee on
Natural Resources
and Water
SB 1109 Salton Sea: restoration study.
SB 1110 Public resources.
SB 1843 Natural resources: California Coastal Act: San
Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and
Mountains Conservancy.
SB 1844 Public resources.
SB 1846 Public resources: underwater salvage operation.
Committee on Public
Employment and
SB 1466 State Teachers' Retirement System: benefits.
Committee on Public
SB 1107 Public safety: omnibus bill.
Committee on
Veterans Affairs
SB 766 Veterans: farm and home purchases: purchasers
life and disability insurance.
SB 1637 Property taxation.
SB 182 Land use: planning and zoning.
SB 183 Open-space easements.
SB 197 Sly Park Reservoir.
SB 205 Insurance brokers and agents: contracts.
SB 226 Elections: voting identification.
SB 287 Design-build contracting.
SB 311 State Merit Awards Program.
SB 487 Group life insurance.
SB 498 California Troops to Teachers Program.
SB 547 Vehicles: driving under the influence: vehicle
SB 671 Plumas County Flood Control and Water
Conservation District: board of directors.
SB 672 Community colleges: inmate education programs:
computation of apportionments.
SB 690 Public contracts: utility districts: competitive
SB 752 Engineers: licensure.
SB 773 Groundwater aquifers: injection wells.
SB 774 Vended water.
SB 775 Watermasters: court appointments.
SB 919 Meetings.
SB 920 Public contracts: retentions.
SB 1169 Municipal utility districts: purchases.
SB 1201 Franchises.
SB 1215 Environment: CEQA
SB 1216 Environment: CEQA.
SB 1241 Deputy sheriffs: state citizenship.
SB 1246 Vehicles: authorized emergency vehicles.
SB 1255 Local agencies: contracts.
SB 1378 Harbors and navigation: dive flag.
SB 1401 Redevelopment.
SB 1431 Public contracts: design-build contracting:
cities, counties and special districts.
SB 1460 Community colleges: inmate education programs:
computation of apportionments.
SB 1462 Insurance information and privacy protection:
service of process.
SB 1536 State property: City of Folsom.
SB 1623 Flood damage reduction projects: Folsom Dam and
SB 1624 Asbestos: building permits.
SB 1659 Hospital seismic retrofit.
SB 1661 Health facilities: seismic safety: construction.
SB 1681 Off-Highway motor vehicle.
SB 1682 Elections: voting identification.
SB 1722 Community correctional facilities.
SB 1734 Prison Industry Authority: dairy products.
SB 1735 Vehicles: police pursuits.
SB 1776 American River Parkway Plan.
SB 1853 Education: funding: audit.
SCA 6 Gubernatorial succession: Governor's absence
from state.
SCR 57 Robert M. Jackson Memorial Highway.
SCR 66 Historic Alternate U.S. Highway Route 40.
SCR 100 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
SCR 133 James E. Roberts Memorial Bridge.
SR 32
SB 9 Local government finance.
SB 124 Horse racing: marketing.
SB 132 Agricultural inspection.
SB 133 Agriculture.
SB 134 Plant quarantine and pest control.
SB 136 School attendance requirements.
SB 176 Traffic collision: fatality: testing.
SB 234 Central Coast Veterans Cemetery: maintenance.
SB 235 HIV exposure: penalties.
SB 249 Involuntary trusts: "Son of Sam" law.
SB 260 Education finance: average daily attendance:
SB 276 State property.
SB 313 Criminal procedure.
SB 341 Horse racing.
SB 342 Gambling Control Act.
SB 343 Fairs.
SB 344 Alcoholic beverages: on-sale license.
SB 381 Charitable annuities: exemptions.
SB 449 Crimes.
SB 480 Central Coast Veterans Cemetery: maintenance.
SB 613 Offenses against minors.
SB 673 CEQA: legislative intent: housing projects.
SB 722 Sexually violent predators.
SB 723 Sexually violent predators: conditional release
SB 813 School facilities.
SB 872 Vertebrate pest control research.
SB 900 Surplus state property: disposition.
SB 901 Prisons.
SB 902 Water storage: bonds.
SB 903 Surplus state property.
SB 952 State property: Department of Corrections:
Correctional Training Facility: Soledad.
SB 1041 Purchasing delegation program: district
agricultural association.
SB 1117 University of California: executive compensation.
SB 1227 Prima facie speed limits: schools: school zones.
SB 1262 Sentencing: theft: prior conviction.
SB 1313 Sexually violent predators.
SB 1328 Victims: presence at proceedings.
SB 1396 Horse racing: licensing.
SB 1417 Agriculture.
SB 1418 Pests.
SB 1426 Agriculture.
SB 1463 State property.
SB 1464 California Horse Racing Board.
SB 1530 Military and veterans: Central Coast Veterans
SB 1597 Taxation: Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge
SB 1625 Workers' compensation insurance: uniform
experience rating plan.
SB 1632 State water resources: State Water Plan.
SB 1645 Vehicles: driver's license revocation.
SCA 4 Secretary of State.
SCR 7 Officer Stephan Gene Gray Memorial Highway.
SCR 45 International Building Safety Week.
SCR 120 Caltrans Highway Maintenance Lead Worker Michael
(Flea) Feliciano Memorial Highway.
SCR 122 David Grant USAF Medical Center.
SCR 125 National Day of the Cowboy.
SCR 131 Children's vision and learning month.
SJR 18 Veterans' cemetery: Fort Ord.
SB 6 Enterprise zones: designation period.
SB 88 Fiscal affairs: health care funding: Proposition
SB 102 Nurse training funding.
SB 103 San Diego Health Care Connection Demonstration
SB 137 Common interest developments: assessments.
SB 164 In-home supportive and personal care services.
SB 293 Workforce Training Act: education, training, and
SB 325 County reimbursement.
SB 365 Tidelands and submerged lands.
SB 385 Pupil assessment.
SB 387 New River.
SB 445 Postsecondary education: Commission on Statewide
Postsecondary Education Policy and Planning.
SB 463 Toll roads: State Highway Route 125.
SB 465 Medi-Cal: geographic managed care plans:
SB 470 Tribal gaming: compact ratification.
SB 491 Earthquake Safety and Hospital Preservation Bond
SB 678 Indian children.
SB 741 Charter schools: average daily attendance.
SB 772 Environment: border region: waste and used tires.
SB 803 Ongoing Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act
of 2005.
SB 847 Community colleges: faculty.
SB 876 CalWORKs.
SB 912 Medi-Cal: provider reimbursement.
SB 922 Public records: California Native American
places: archaeological information.
SB 930 Community colleges: Board of Governors of the
California Community Colleges.
SB 935 Tribal gaming: compact ratification.
SB 969 Vehicles: motorcycles: safety helmets:
SB 1007 San Diego Unified Port District Act: retirement
and disability benefits.
SB 1008 Economic incentive areas.
SB 1081 Maywood Riverfront Park grant.
SB 1137 Drug treatment.
SB 1282 Transportation: federal funds: border
infrastructure program.
SB 1286 Binational air pollution.
SB 1287 Local Revenue Fund: Social Services and Caseload
Subaccounts: program: funding.
SB 1290 Community colleges: facilities.
SB 1294 Geothermal wastes: exemption.
SB 1367 Coachella Valley Unified School District:
SB 1395 Environmental quality: Native American sites.
SB 1489 Attorney's fees: Attorney General.
SB 1490 Cemetery regulation.
SB 1511 Renewable fuels: regulations.
SB 1520 Medi-Cal: hospital funding demonstration
project: University of California.
SB 1541 Registered dental assistants: licensure.
SB 1557 Coachella Valley Water District: nonpotable
water use.
SB 1580 Pupil assessment: English language learners:
achievement tests.
SB 1599 Domestic violence prevention: funding.
SB 1646 Pupils: California Indian education centers.
SB 1676 Subdivisions: final maps.
SB 1800 General plans: housing.
SB 1801 Municipal hospitals: closed meetings.
SB 1802 Farmworker housing.
SBX1 5 Public employees' retirement.
SCA 9 California Tax Commission.
SCR 17 Flag of the former Republic of Vietnam: display.
SCR 21 Nonprofit organizations.
SB 10 Trial court facilities.
SB 40 Mobilehome parks.
SB 56 Trial court judges and officers.
SB 75 Budget Act of 2005: contingencies and
SB 92 Orange County Sanitation District design-build
SB 106 Mobilehome Parks Act.
SB 174 Minimum wage.
SB 206 Inpatient hospital services: reimbursement:
Pediatric Outlier Payment Adjustment Program.
SB 262 State Bar of California: audit.
SB 326 Land use: housing elements.
SB 533 Long-term health care facilities: admission
SB 645 Mexican repatriation: commission.
SB 670 Mexican repatriation program of the 1930s.
SB 748 Emergency medical services: regional
SB 765 Mobilehome parks.
SB 843 General plans: housing elements.
SB 848 Employment: port owner-operator drivers.
SB 878 Charitable solicitation disclosures.
SB 894 Practice of law.
SB 911 Telecommunications: 911 system.
SB 938 Insurance agents and brokers: duties to clients.
SB 985 Adulterated candy: lead poisoning prevention.
SB 1023 Workers' compensation: enforcement: penalties.
SB 1040 Public postsecondary education: fees and
tuition: waiver: survivors of deceased law
enforcement and firefighting personnel.
SB 1097 State employees: State Bargaining Unit 12.
SB 1213 Employment: port owner-operator drivers.
SB 1231 Mobilehomes: park inspections.
SB 1274 Cartwright Act: monopolies.
SB 1330 Housing developments: attorney's fees.
SB 1354 Political Reform Act of 1974: corporate
SB 1399 Gambling Control Act: legal gaming.
SB 1480 Deceit.
SB 1496 Public utilities: California Alternate Rates for
Energy (CARE) program.
SB 1531 Change of venue.
SB 1568 Law schools and law degree programs.
SB 1575 Curriculum: human rights: unconstitutional
SB 1581 Construction defects: litigation: insurance.
SB 1696 Los Angeles County Superior Court: employees.
SB 1721 State employees: memoranda of understanding:
State Bargaining Units 16 and 19.
SB 1753 Public Utilities.
SB 1794 Public utilities: refineries.
SB 1810 Long-term care insurance.
SB 1823 Health care service plans: claim reimbursements.
SBX1 2 Public employees' retirement: employer
contribution rates.
SCA 18
SCR 27 Drowsy Driver Awareness Day.
SCR 50 Fiftieth anniversary of Disneyland.
SB 116 Child abandonment: newborns.
SB 125 Mobilehome parks: fees and charges.
SB 213 Sales and use taxes: rates.
SB 214 Personal income tax: rates.
SB 215 Property taxation.
SB 216 Governmental reorganization: tax functions.
SB 217 Income taxes: claim of right.
SB 243 Personal income taxes: credits: property tax.
SB 269 Unsafe handguns.
SB 339 Emergency telephone systems.
SB 406 Workers' compensation: medical expenses and
indemnity payments report.
SB 546 Office of Emergency Services: public-private
SB 553 Personal income taxes: individual homeownership
development accounts.
SB 612 Vehicles: fees: exemption: deployed military
SB 628 State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission: procedure.
SB 629 Vehicles: driver's license: registered sex
SB 630 Anatomical gifts: organs: inquests.
SB 631 Real Investment in California's Economy Program:
personal income and corporation taxes: sales and
use tax: credit and exemptions.
SB 632 Electrical corporations: rates.
SB 633 Taxation: state agencies: burden of proof.
SB 711 School facilities: civic centers.
SB 836 Department of Consumer Affairs.
SB 837 Alternative Protest Pilot Project.
SB 1061 State property leases.
SB 1096 Satellite wagering: fairs.
SB 1103 State parks: cooperating associations.
SB 1165 Transportation Bond Acts of 2006, 2008, and
2012: transportation contracting.
SB 1331 Lake Arrowhead Community Services District.
SB 1332 Property taxation.
SB 1333 Corporation taxes: "S" corporations.
SB 1357 School districts: average per-pupil funding:
SB 1410 Trespass: denial of access.
SB 1419 Food: permits.
SB 1450 Planned power losses: notification.
SB 1497 Community colleges: waiver of enrollment fees of
students with family member serving in war zone.
SB 1498 Vehicles: fee and tax exemption: military.
SB 1588 School finance: equalization adjustments.
SB 1619 Sales and use taxes: exemptions: fuel and
petroleum products: air common carriers.
SB 1620 Napa and Riverside Counties community care and
treatment pilot project.
SB 1621 Napa and Riverside Counties community care and
treatment pilot project.
SB 1639 Income and corporation taxes: credit: health
savings account.
SBX2 4 Prison construction: design-build.
SJR 15 Retirement benefits: teachers.
SB 12 School food nutrition.
SB 15 Public Utilities Commission.
SB 17 Property tax: change in ownership.
SB 20 Auto insurance: low-cost policies: evidence of
financial responsibility.
SB 27 Tax credit carryovers.
SB 150 Insurance: adverse underwriting decisions.
SB 155 Credit card cash rewards: payment of property
SB 354 Hazardous materials release: remediation.
SB 368 English language tutoring.
SB 395 California Court Facilities Bond Act of 2006.
SB 397 Property tax: change in ownership: notice:
escape assessments.
SB 399 Health services: 3rd-party liability.
SB 418 Rehabilitation loans.
SB 437 Health care coverage.
SB 455 Pest control: violations.
SB 471 Hazardous materials release: remediation.
SB 578 Railroads: safety.
SB 580 Public Utilities Commission: Low-Income
Oversight Board and California Alternate Rates
for Energy program.
SB 608 Public Utilities Commission: Division of
Ratepayer Advocates: office of the public
SB 624 Middle School Achievement Pilot Program.
SB 640 Child care resource and referral programs:
SB 657 Instructional materials.
SB 696 Instructional materials.
SB 728 Title insurance: title solicitors.
SB 779 Peace officers: complaints: discovery.
SB 782 English language tutoring.
SB 835 Career technical education programs.
SB 838 Environmental Cleanup and Pollution Control
Technology Registry. Global environmental
SB 849 Environmental health data tracking.
SB 850 Broadband telecommunications service.
SB 870 Air quality: violations: nonvehicular sources:
SB 879 Pest control: violations.
SB 951 Public Utilities Commission: compensation for
participants and intervenors.
SB 957 Generation facilities.
SB 965 Pupil nutrition: beverages.
SB 986 Consumer credit reports: employment purposes.
SB 1003 Energy resources: liquefied natural gas
SB 1059 Electric transmission corridors.
SB 1068 Telecommunications: customer protection.
SB 1205 Air pollution: Children's Breathing Rights Act:
SB 1271 Public officers: conflicts of interest.
SB 1442 Schools: examination fees.
SB 1444 Prisoners: foreign nationals.
SB 1563 Community colleges: Community College Early
Assessment Pilot Program.
SB 1622 Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal: employee
SB 1644 Pupils: school accountability.
SB 1765 Victims of wrongful or coerced repatriation.
SB 1769 Instructional materials.
SB 1771 The high school exit examination: pupil
SCR 32 Ceasar Chavez Day.
SCR 92 Nonprofit and philanthropic organizations.
SCR 94 Cinco de Mayo Week.
SJR 13 Railroad Safety
SR 13
SR 19
SB 7 Information Practices Act: Internet privacy.
SB 228 Geologists and geophysicists: professional
engineers and land surveyors.
SB 229 Professions and vocations.
SB 230 Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program.
SB 231 Healing arts: Medical Board of California.
SB 232 Boards and commissions.
SB 233 Acupuncture.
SB 246 Human milk.
SB 248 Professions and vocations.
SB 348 International trade.
SB 412 Massage therapy.
SB 503 Accountants: peer review: fees.
SB 537 Medi-Cal: administration.
SB 577 State government operations: accountability.
SB 581 Health studio contracts: maximum fees:
cancellation rights.
SB 582 Retailers: disclosures.
SB 583 Cancer treatment.
SB 602 Standardized environmental data reports.
SB 614 Certified nurse-midwives.
SB 615 Cervical cancer.
SB 636 Credit cards: photo identification.
SB 796 State government operations: accountability.
SB 808 Joint Committee on Boards, Commissions, and
Consumer Protection.
SB 834 Department of General Services: information
SB 954 Information technology goods and services:
SB 1118 Health Care Insurance for All Children Act:
Sales and Use Tax Law: soda: food products:
SB 1245 Health care coverage: cervical cancer screening
SB 1305 The Medical Waste Management Act.
SB 1423 Laser procedures.
SB 1424 The California Workforce and Economic
Information Program: administration: report.
SB 1436 Small business: state agency information.
SB 1438 Healing arts: reporting requirements.
SB 1472 Dentistry: dental hygienists.
SB 1473 Education: Private Postsecondary Education and
Student Protection Act.
SB 1474 State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.
SB 1476 Professions and vocations.
SB 1550 Professional Fiduciaries Act.
SB 1638 Midwives: advisory council: annual report.
SB 1665 Telephone records: unauthorized procurement,
selling or obtaining of telephone calling
pattern records or lists.
SB 1737 Consumer rebates.
SB 1748 Cystic fibrosis and biotinidase: newborn
SB 1758 Adoption facilitators.
SB 1762 International trade agreements.
SB 1763 Pharmaceuticals: compulsory licensing.
SB 1770 California State Lottery: multistate lottery:
Cal Grant C Plus Program.
SB 1785 Human milk.
SB 1806 Animals: abuse.
SB 1819 Student financial aid: cost assistance for GED
test takers.
SB 1848 Consumer warranties: members of the armed forces.
SCR 43 Autism Awareness Month.
SCR 59 Pain Awareness Month.
SJR 25 International trade agreements and
pharmaceutical drug programs.
SJR 28 International trade agreements: public health
SR 30
SR 34
SB 21 San Joaquin River restoration.
SB 31 Water fees.
SB 34 Sex offenders.
SB 35 California Children and Families Program.
SB 36 Political Reform Act of 1974: disclosure.
SB 42 Tribal-state gaming compacts: ratification.
SB 93 Local government finance: Tulare County.
SB 110 Fresno County Transportation Authority.
SB 115 California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
SB 120 Water quality: sewage sludge.
SB 142 Local government employment contracts.
SB 360 Consumer loans: property sales and leasebacks.
SB 429 Recreational bathing: sanitation.
SB 509 Pesticide: notification.
SB 726 Dependent children.
SB 778 Depository institutions: cashing of paychecks.
SB 781 Financial institutions: check holds.
SB 863 California Clean Air Bond Act.
SB 923 West Nile virus.
SB 926 Solid waste facility: local initiative:
environmental impact report.
SB 931 Pollution control authority.
SB 946 Community correctional facilities.
SB 967 Local agency formation.
SB 995 Tax-exempt bonds for tribal nations.
SB 1002 Gelatin-based alcoholic beverages.
SB 1005 Property tax exemption: spouses of deceased
veterans and qualified public safety officers.
SB 1009 Water storage districts: election rolls.
SB 1010 Rail service: City of Shafter.
SB 1011 California State Lottery: multistate lottery.
SB 1012 Voter kiosks.
SB 1013 Tribal gaming: compacts.
SB 1056 Agriculture.
SB 1087 Housing elements: services.
SB 1188 Employment: compensation.
SB 1189 Alpaugh Irrigation District.
SB 1198 Local gambling.
SB 1199 Depository institutions: cashing of paychecks.
SB 1229 Horse racing: advertising.
SB 1230 San Joaquin Valley Clean Air Enterprise Zone
SB 1252 Air pollution: penalties: particulate matter.
SB 1392 Sex offenders: residency.
SB 1393 Intercountry adoptions.
SB 1394 Health care: Kern Health Systems.
SB 1461 Health care: primary care: grants in aid.
SB 1796 Flood protection.
SB 1803 Public utilities: municipal corporations: means
of communication: Attorney General
SB 1804 Health care: product database.
SB 1805 Horse racing: thoroughbred racing: handle.
SB 1835 Solid waste facilities permit: local initiative.
SCR 37 Donald E. DeMers Highway.
SCR 63 California school bus emissions reduction.
SCR 68 The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Highway.
SCR 98 Curt Carter Sr. Memorial Highway.
SCR 123 Joint Legislative Committee on High-Speed Trains.
SCR 130 Officer John Palacios Memorial Highway.
SR 20
SR 22
SR 23
SB 26 Personal income taxes.
SB 427 California Environmental Quality Act: scoping
SB 435 Housing: density bonuses.
SB 510 Workers' compensation: motorcycles and specialty
SB 511 County water authority.
SB 841 Fire protection: firebreaks.
SB 1029 Special interest license plates: sportspersons.
SB 1030 Discrimination: religion.
SB 1031 Dissolution of marriage: family education.
SB 1032 Antelope and elk hunting.
SB 1033 Antelope and elk hunting.
SB 1034 Community care facilities: business licenses.
SB 1035 School facilities maintenance: cleaning costs.
SB 1038 Firearms.
SB 1042 Firearms.
SB 1043 Schools: health and family life instruction.
SB 1044 Sex offenders.
SB 1045 Sex offender registration.
SB 1046 Sex offenders: group homes: parole facilities.
SB 1049 SAFE teams.
SB 1051 Sex offenders: residence.
SB 1074 Parole: Global Positioning System device.
SB 1075 Emergency services.
SB 1098 Sexually violent predators: definition.
SB 1099 Eminent domain: agricultural property.
SB 1102 Disaster response.
SB 1171 CEQA and private employment.
SB 1172 Environment: CEQA.
SB 1173 Department of Transportation.
SB 1174 Courts.
SB 1175 Hospital construction.
SB 1176 Education: school construction.
SB 1177 Housing: density bonus.
SB 1191 California Environmental Quality Act.
SB 1192 Firearms: study.
SB 1200 Hunting: commercial hunting club licenses.
SB 1239 Firearms: transactions.
SB 1240 SAFE teams.
SB 1355 Income tax returns: ReadyReturn pilot program.
SB 1455 Impersonating a peace officer.
SB 1484 Parole.
SB 1485 Protected animals.
SB 1486 Alcoholic beverages: places of consumption.
SB 1487 Coerced abortion.
SB 1488 Surplus school property: use of proceeds.
SB 1502 Sex offenders: group homes: parole facilities.
SB 1504 Community care facilities: business licenses.
SB 1767 Local law enforcement: immigration laws.
SB 1768 Income and corporation taxes: credits: school
SCA 26 Legislative powers.
SCA 27 The Supreme Court: jurisdiction: initiatives and
constitutional amendments.
SCR 65 Fragile X Awareness Day.
SCR 118 Mexico's immigration policies.
SJR 3 Ronald Reagan statue.
SB 53 Redevelopment.
SB 135 Community services districts.
SB 373 County water authority: encroachments.
SB 409 Emergency health care services: appropriations.
SB 457 Disaster relief.
SB 502 Weed and vegetation management.
SB 518 Homeowners' insurance: insurance adjusters.
SB 530 Insurance: underwriting.
SB 540 Tenancy: signs and flags.
SB 568 Property tax revenue allocations.
SB 585 Protective orders: firearms.
SB 606 Parks and recreation: lifeguards.
SB 695 Conservation easement registry.
SB 707 Before and after school programs.
SB 757 Oil Conservation, Efficiency, and Alternative
Fuels Act.
SB 816 Electric service providers: net metering.
SB 853 Common interest developments.
SB 858 Department of Transportation: surplus property.
SB 866 Water use measurement information.
SB 914 Animal cruelty.
SB 929 California Coastal Commission: administrative
SB 959 San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development Board.
SB 1037 Energy efficiency.
SB 1052 Subdivisions: appeals.
SB 1067 Drinking water.
SB 1070 Water quality information.
SB 1084 Forest practices.
SB 1206 Redevelopment.
SB 1296 San Diego Consolidated Transportation Agency:
SB 1360 County records: conservation easement registry.
SB 1400 Property taxation: military housing.
SB 1451 Emergency preparedness: disabled community.
SB 1515 Solid waste: facilities: operating hours.
SB 1539 San Diego Association of Governments Energy
Working Group.
SB 1551 22nd District Agricultural Association: pilot
SB 1627 Wireless telecommunications facilities.
SB 1648 California Emergency Services Act: emergency
SB 1650 Eminent domain.
SB 1669 Public utilities: load-serving entities:
SB 1675 Vehicular air pollution: renewable diesel fuel.
SB 1723 Emergency services.
SB 1727 Public Utilities: electrical corporations.
SB 1766 Medi-Cal: demonstration project.
SB 1832 Public records: fee waiver.
SB 1833 Electrical restructuring: energy prices paid to
nonutility generators.
SCR 9 American Heart Month.
SCR 29 Emergency services and homeland security.
SCR 34 Climate change: West Coast Governors' Global
Warming Initiative.
SCR 107 Homeland security: emergency services.
SJR 11 Military: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.
SJR 29 Homeland Security: California.
SR 15
SB 180 Human trafficking.
SB 300 Family and medical leave.
SB 366 Department of Corrections: offenders' families:
female offenders.
SB 400 Tobacco licensing.
SB 466 Mobile photo radar enforcement system.
SB 493 Cal-Learn Program: schoolage teens.
SB 496 Medi-Cal: administrative claims.
SB 500 AFDC-FC: pregnant and parenting foster youth.
SB 538 Workers' compensation: medical provider
networks: accountability.
SB 646 Water discharge requirements: waivers.
SB 658 Coastal Environment Motor Vehicle Mitigation
SB 660 Public school pupils: interrogation.
SB 668 Mining.
SB 697 Child care: provider organization:
SB 720 Court orders.
SB 744 Timber harvesting plans.
SB 820 Water.
SB 840 Single-payer health care coverage.
SB 857 Fish passages.
SB 908 Child care.
SB 932 Physicians and surgeons: peer review.
SB 973 Public employees' retirement: domestic partners.
SB 1026 Highway construction contracts: design-build
SB 1293 State library: access to electronic and online
SB 1300 Vehicles: Mobile photo radar speed enforcement.
SB 1310 Forest resources: sustained yield plans and
nonindustrial timber management plans.
SB 1384 Los Angeles-Exposition Metro Line light rail
SB 1402 Spousal rape.
SB 1425 Groundwater extraction.
SB 1434 Natural resources: ocean protection: consultants.
SB 1437 School instruction: prohibition of
discriminatory content.
SB 1441 Discrimination: state programs and activities:
sexual orientation.
SB 1448 Health care: Medi-Cal: uninsured persons.
SB 1471 Sex education programs: requirements.
SB 1491 Domestic violence: personal information.
SB 1535 Fish and game.
SB 1569 Human services: immigrants.
SB 1574 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
SB 1583 Marvin Braude Bikeway.
SB 1591 Group disability insurance: economic benefit.
SB 1600 Child care.
SB 1616 Juveniles: incarceration: Medi-Cal: SSI: SSDI.
SB 1640 Water.
SB 1647 Reclamation Board.
SB 1667 Dependent children.
SB 1673 State parks: funding.
SB 1686 Wildlife conservation: project impact on
greenhouse gases.
SB 1704 Health care benefits.
SB 1745 Employment discrimination: victims of violence.
SB 1784 Taxation: The California Health Insurance
Reliability Funding Act.
SB 1845 Natural resources: Ocean Protection Council.
SCR 24 Wildfire protection.
SR 31
SB 55 Community colleges: community college district
governing boards: meeting agendas.
SB 59 Firearms: loss and theft.
SB 108 Health care service plans: procedures for
participation by subscribers and enrollees.
SB 198 Manufactured housing: installation.
SB 212 Lapses of consciousness: reports to the
Department of Motor Vehicles.
SB 227 Solid waste handling.
SB 286 Housing.
SB 327 Public contracts: school districts.
SB 467 Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards
Attainment Program.
SB 479 Childhood obesity mitigation.
SB 490 Local government finance.
SB 551 Common Interest Development Bureau.
SB 686 Economic incentive areas.
SB 727 Safety in employment: special purpose personnel
SB 760 Ports: congestion relief: security enhancement:
environmental mitigation: regulatory fee.
SB 761 Air resources: Marine terminals.
SB 762 Ports: regulation.
SB 763 Economic development.
SB 764 Air resources: South Coast Air Quality
Management District: ports.
SB 927 Ports: congestion relief: security enhancement:
environmental mitigation: regulatory fee.
SB 983 Subdivision Map Act.
SB 1242 Integrated Regional Water Management Planning
Act of 2002.
SB 1324 School buildings: relocatable buildings.
SB 1356 Suicide prevention.
SB 1375 Courts: replacement of deficient facilities.
SB 1397 Athletic trainers: registration.
SB 1432 Mello-Roos districts.
SB 1456 School facilities: construction, rehabilitation,
and modernization: best value contracting.
SB 1505 Fuel: hydrogen alternative fuel.
SB 1559 Vehicles: low-speed vehicles.
SB 1578 Dogs: tethering prohibition.
SB 1586 Government: eminent domain and inverse
condemnation: public service easements: vehicles.
SB 1587 Transportation planning: federal funds.
SB 1601 Air pollution: marine ports: emissions.
SB 1662 Teachers: limited-English-proficient certificate
SB 1703 California Transportation Commission.
SB 1726 Vehicles: publicly owned transit system buses:
illuminated signs.
SB 1754 Housing and infrastructure zones.
SB 1829 Marine terminals: air emissions.
SCA 3 Elections: redistricting.
SCR 40 Liquefied natural gas facilities.
SCR 48 Paramount Hay Tree in the City of Paramount.
SCR 91 Watts Towers of Simon Rodia in the City of Los
SCR 124 Dwight D. Eisenhower National System of
Interstate and Defense Highways.
SCR 132 Hybrid Vehicle Awareness Month.
SJR 31 Clean ports.
SB 49 Land conservation contracts.
SB 113 California Bay-Delta Authority Act.
SB 158 Powers of attorney: social security numbers.
SB 200 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Program.
SB 264 Delta Flood Protection Fund.
SB 320 Disabled veteran business enterprises:
SB 350 San Joaquin River restoration and water
SB 403 Chemical Tanker Task Force.
SB 442 Maintenance: income levels.
SB 501 Property tax revenue allocations: electric
generation facilities.
SB 555 Taxation.
SB 599 Property taxation.
SB 605 Special education: alternative dispute
SB 703 Tax liens.
SB 747 Tax professionals: discipline.
SB 805 Property taxation: preliminary change of
ownership report.
SB 831 Flood control: Stockton Metropolitan Area Flood
Control Project.
SB 905 Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
SB 933 Teacher credentialing: district interns.
SB 949 Education.
SB 999 San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control
District: district board membership.
SB 1048 Electrical restructuring: distributed energy
SB 1347 Water: solar evaporators.
SB 1404 Vehicles: parking violations: street cleaning.
SB 1512 Privacy: personal information: security.
SB 1595 Juvenile facilities.
SB 1607 Property taxation.
SB 1685 Insurance.
SB 1742 Juvenile justice.
SB 1795 Groundwater storage: beneficial use.
SB 1809 Redevelopment: eminent domain.
SB 1828 Prisoners: substance abuse treatment.
SBX2 10 Prisons: additional capacity: financing.
SBX2 11 Parolees: reentry.
SBX2 12 Inmates: transfer to federal or out of state
SCR 12 CHP Officer Artie J. Hubbard Memorial Freeway.
SCR 41 School crossing guards.
SCR 111 California Cancer Survivors Day.
SJR 16 Mad Cow Disease.
SJR 21 Sudden child cardiac arrhythmia syndrome.
SJR 32 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
SB 138 Criminal procedure: closed-circuit testimony.
SB 173 Income tax: health savings account.
SB 193 Sales and use taxes: exemptions: space flight.
SB 194 Proprietary private security officers.
SB 195 Income and corporation taxes: credit: health
savings accounts.
SB 196 County assessor employees: annual evaluation.
SB 281 California Fresh Start Pilot Program.
SB 282 County offices.
SB 283 Vehicles: combination length.
SB 284 Specialty crop funding.
SB 285 Employee wages.
SB 335 Airport security, safety, and capacity grants.
SB 336 Public Employees' Retirement System: safety
SB 337 Postsecondary education: public postsecondary
SB 338 School curricula: Internet safety.
SB 383 State Department of Mental Health: sexually
violent predators.
SB 384 Public schools: instruction: Declaration of
SB 712 Community colleges: economic and workforce
development program.
SB 713 Career technical education.
SB 714 California State University: personnel.
SB 715 In-home supportive services.
SB 716 CalWORKs.
SB 717 Insurance rates: intervention.
SB 758 State Teachers' Retirement System:
postretirement earnings limitation.
SB 759 Public works: payroll records.
SB 825 Career Technical Education Accountability Act of
SB 826 State maintenance areas.
SB 827 County trial costs: state reimbursement.
SB 828 Public contracts.
SB 915 Attorneys: contingency fees.
SB 936 Homicide.
SB 1089 Insurance.
SB 1090 Insurance: insolvency: liquidation.
SB 1091 State retirees: vision care benefits.
SB 1092 Community services districts: East Garrison.
SB 1167 Minimum wage increase.
SB 1181 Public postsecondary education: administrative
salaries and compensation.
SB 1237 Vehicles: combination length.
SB 1369 Clinical laboratories: anatomic pathology
SB 1371 Medi-Cal: smart cards.
SB 1372 Mentally disordered offenders: reimbursement of
county costs.
SB 1467 Nontax collection.
SB 1514 School finance: retirement benefit liabilities.
SB 1562 Inmates: State Hospitals: reimbursement of costs.
SB 1571 Public postsecondary education: employee
SB 1606 State budget: two-year budget.
SB 1630 Water corporations: sale: right of first refusal.
SB 1651 Telephone records: obtaining telephone calling
pattern record or list.
SB 1672 Public health: health care technology systems:
SCA 30 Legislature: sessions: two-year budget.
SCA 32 California missions: preservation.
SCR 44 Community residential care.
SCR 72 Vernon L. Sturgeon Memorial Highway and the
Marilyn Jorgenson Reece Memorial Interchange.
SB 129 Biological Evidence: storage.
SB 130 Works of improvement: stop notices.
SB 139 Personal income taxes: long-term care.
SB 140 Subsurface installations: excavation.
SB 240 Water rights.
SB 241 Coastal resources: development policies.
SB 242 Endangered species.
SB 315 Hospitals: reduction or elimination of emergency
medical services: notice.
SB 316 State agencies: voter registration information.
SB 317 Peace officer : vehicle pursuit.
SB 372 Vehicles: size, weight, and load: local
authorities: issuance of variance permits.
SB 379 Public employees' retirement: disability
retirement benefits.
SB 407 Corporate taxes: taxpayer contributions:
Postsecondary Education Trust Fund.
SB 408 Escrow agents.
SB 460 Offender access to personal information.
SB 461 Child pornography.
SB 541 Uniform Controlled Substances Act.
SB 542 Satellite wagering.
SB 543 State Water Project.
SB 647 Parole revocation.
SB 648 CEQA: lead agencies: determinations.
SB 649 Optometry.
SB 822 San Gabriel Basin restoration.
SB 823 Provisional licensing program: speed contest.
SB 824 Courses of study: mathematics and science.
SB 998 Sales and use tax: exemptions: fuel and
petroleum products.
SB 1004 Suspended pupils: missed assignments and tests.
SB 1340 Escrow agents.
SB 1391 Criminal procedure: postconviction discovery
SB 1406 Debt collection: notices.
SB 1407 Liability: hazardous recreational activities.
SB 1421 Child care: CalWORKs recipients: fraud.
SB 1422 Public safety: omnibus bill.
SB 1506 Department of Water Resources: State Water
Project: energy contracts.
SB 1507 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation
SB 1585 State Allocation Board: executive officer.
SB 1603 Building standards: conflicts and obsolete
SB 1604 Public contracts: bids and disputes.
SB 1605 Public contracts: public works.
SB 1679 Local agencies: ethics.
SB 1714 Interception of communications: order:
SB 1715 Secretary of State: statewide initiative
SB 1789 Career technical education.
SB 1790 California State University: personnel.
SB 1791 Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use
SB 1792 Environmental quality.
SB 1793 Forest resources: timber operations.
SB 1830 Corrections: inmate medical records.
SB 1831 Inmates.
SCR 52 Mayor James Thalman and Mayor Michael Wickman
Memorial Highway.
SR 17
SR 27
SB 146 Unemployment Compensation: Addresses
SB 324 Highways: transportation gridlock emergencies.
SB 349 Public postsecondary education: Nonresident
admissions criteria.
SB 508 Vehicles: driver's license: forgery:
manufacture: sale.
SB 519 Highways: exclusive-use or preferential-use
SB 785 CEQA: procedure.
SB 786 Public assistance: home visits.
SB 787 Elections officials: restrictions on political
SB 788 Highways.
SB 789 Transportation: state highways.
SB 984 Greenhouse gas emissions reductions: powerplants.
SB 1071 CalWORKs: Cola elimination.
SB 1259 Unclaimed property.
SB 1261 Criminal justice statistics.
SB 1493 Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond
Act for the 21st Century: repeal.
SB 1494 Top priority transportation projects.
SB 1617 Streambed alteration agreements: emergency work.
SB 1618 Local agency contracts.
SCA 2 Budget process.
SCA 5 State finances: Budget Act.
SCA 15 Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings.
SCA 20 Eminent domain: condemnation proceedings.
SCAX1 2 Budget process.
SCAX1 3 State finances: Budget Act.
SB 22 DNA Identification Fund.
SB 23 Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal.
SB 51 Horsemen's organizations.
SB 94 Claims against the state: appropriation.
SB 169 Certified phlebotomy technicians.
SB 181 State militia: applicable law.
SB 237 Mobilehome parks: transfers of mobilehomes.
SB 238 Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones: Golden
Gate Bridge.
SB 319 Charter schools: funding.
SB 322 Alcoholic beverages: reporting.
SB 323 Sales tax fraud.
SB 353 Claims against the state.
SB 404 Teachers: California Preliminary (CAP)
SB 436 Foster care: transitional housing.
SB 438 Oral and maxillofacial surgery.
SB 484 Cosmetics: chronic health effects.
SB 485 Local government finance.
SB 486 Local government finance.
SB 556 Drug treatment.
SB 558 Healthy Families Program and Medi-Cal.
SB 560 Career technical education: school district
SB 565 Property tax reappraisal exclusion: domestic
SB 570 Mentally incompetent minors.
SB 661 Public postsecondary education: California State
University: California Student Athlete Fair
Opportunity Act of 2005.
SB 662 Teachers: California Preliminary (CAP)
SB 663 Corporation taxes: water's-edge election:
foreign affiliated corporations.
SB 665 California Career Resource Network.
SB 667 Public contracts: competitive bidding:
University of California.
SB 682 Postsecondary education facilities.
SB 701 Child care subsidies: City and County of San
Francisco: pilot project.
SB 987 County transportation authorities.
SB 988 Safety Awareness Zones: Golden Gate Bridge.
SB 1020 County sales and use taxes: rate increase
SB 1085 Infrastructure financing districts: public
trust lands.
SB 1086 State Lands Commission.
SB 1119 Reprieves, pardons and commutations of sentence.
SB 1180 Health and Human Services: alcohol use
prevention: minors.
SB 1220 Vaccines: influenza.
SB 1253 Historic wine.
SB 1414 California Fair Share Health Care Act.
SB 1449 Sales and use tax fraud.
SB 1542 Vehicles: key information access.
SB 1544 Criminal investigations: eyewitness
identification: lineups.
SB 1692 Horse racing.
SB 1701 Tidelands and submerged lands: Richardson Bay.
SB 1712 Adoption of hard-to-place children and youth.
SB 1749 Transit fare evasion.
SB 1752 Unclaimed property.
SB 1756 Vehicles: driving under the influence: driver's
license suspension: restricted driver's license.
SB 1824 Teachers: California Preliminary (CAP)
SB 1825 CalWORKs.
SB 1826 Surplus state property.
SB 1827 Taxation: domestic partners.
SB 1841 Yerba Buena Island ramp connections.
SB 1842 San Francisco sports stadium project validation.
SR 6
SR 33
SB 5 Public postsecondary education standard: Student
Bill of Rights.
SB 251 Homeowners' insurance: personal property.
SB 273 Public utilities: Municipal Utility District Act.
SB 294 Habeas corpus.
SB 297 Actions: permissive joinder.
SB 305 Firearms.
SB 321 Development: fees.
SB 378 Death penalty appeals: appointment of counsel.
SB 389 Automated teller machine fees.
SB 462 Facilities in adjacent counties: waiver.
SB 464 Office of Emergency Services: chaplains.
SB 529 Evidence: lawyer-client privilege.
SB 548 State construction projects: insurance.
SB 589 Civil procedure: attorneys' fees.
SB 664 Public utilities: telegraph and telephone lines.
SB 692 Undocumented workers.
SB 693 State militia: border control assistance.
SB 694 School districts: report on undocumented alien
SB 725 Land use regulation: compensation.
SB 751 Sentencing: enhancements.
SB 753 Pupils: confidential medical services: parental
SB 809 Unsolicited facsimile messages.
SB 947 Construction contracts: indemnity.
SB 1082 Child support: military reservists.
SB 1179 Recreational activities: skateboarding.
SB 1186 School districts: transfer of territory.
SB 1194 Employment: hiring practices: immigration status.
SB 1203 School facilities: portable classrooms.
SB 1228 Covenant marriage.
SB 1236 Public postsecondary education: resident
SB 1257 Criminal procedure: appeals: capital cases .
SB 1280 Legally incapable persons.
SB 1314 Dentistry.
SB 1315 Real estate: licensing.
SB 1382 Conditions of parole.
SB 1386 Civil actions: jury trials.
SB 1412 Public postsecondary education: Student Bill of
SB 1429 Punitive damages: product liability.
SB 1558 Habeas corpus.
SCA 1 Marriage.
SCA 14 Property tax.
SCA 19 Legislature: committees.
SCA 23 Appropriations limit.
SCA 25 Tribal-state gaming compacts.
SCA 29 Ports: California Port Security Enhancement Act.
SCR 6 Military and veterans: World War II invasion of
Iwo Jima.
SCR 15 California Law Revision Commission: studies.
SCR 69 California Surf Museum.
SCR 108 The Ten Commandments.
SJR 9 Retired military personnel: Medicare.
SJR 26 Port security.
SR 35
SB 1 Electricity: solar energy: net metering.
SB 4 The California Public Performance Facilities Act.
SB 39 Absentee voting.
SB 41 Internet piracy.
SB 58 Taxes: credits: qualified motion picture
SB 95 Vehicles: ignition interlock device.
SB 96 Peer-to-peer networks: file sharing software.
SB 97 Commercial electronic mail: penalties.
SB 98 Auto insurance: repairs.
SB 117 Elections: absentee ballots.
SB 145 Political Reform Act of 1974: contributions.
SB 184 Talent agencies.
SB 199 Employees: meal periods.
SB 236 State parks: legislative intent.
SB 301 Health care.
SB 334 Business climate in California.
SB 355 Internet regulation.
SB 394 Voter registration.
SB 677 Horse racing.
SB 783 Murray Park Bond Act of 2006.
SB 829 Air quality: vehicular sources.
SB 851 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation
SB 944 Department of Transportation.
SB 948 CEQA: environmental impact reports: short form.
SB 1015 Dissolution of marriage: financial declarations.
SB 1202 State claims.
SB 1298 State claims.
SB 1525 International trade and investment office:
Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa.
SB 1529 International trade and investment office: Seoul.
SB 1548 Alcoholic beverages: tastings.
SB 1553 Registration fee.
SB 1572 Energy: solar energy systems.
SB 1576 Foster care: transitional housing.
SB 1634 State highways.
SB 1674 Public schools: meal reimbursement.
SB 1687 Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation
Authority: San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit
SB 1693 Political Reform Act of 1974: donors.
SB 1700 Solar energy systems.
SB 1740 Pupil's instruction: Internet safety curriculum
SCA 22 Amending and revising the California
SCR 3 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
SCR 28 Nathan Shapell Highway.
SJR 24 Telecommunications: Internet network neutrality.
SB 18 Reproductive health and research.
SB 19 California Rx Program.
SB 24 Hospital charity care.
SB 104 Public health orders: enforcement.
SB 109 Air pollution: minor violations: stationary
sources: prosecution of violations.
SB 112 Refugee social services.
SB 162 State Department of Public Health.
SB 347 Flood control: American River flood damage
reduction project.
SB 359 Child custody.
SB 377 Medi-Cal: dental services.
SB 393 Special districts.
SB 401 Stem cell research: ICOC procedures.
SB 417 Payment of provider claims.
SB 425 Health care rate approvals.
SB 454 Health counseling.
SB 516 Fire protection: residential care facility for
the elderly.
SB 531 Student financial aid: Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-V
asconcellos Cal Grant Program.
SB 545 Public employee benefits: health benefit plans.
SB 576 Health care coverage: tobacco cessation services.
SB 600 Biomonitoring.
SB 603 Law enforcement: anti-reproductive rights crimes.
SB 644 Dispensing prescription drugs and devices.
SB 650 Prostate cancer: Improving Access, Counseling,
and Treatment for Californians with Prostate
Cancer (IMPACT) Program.
SB 655 Asbestos.
SB 706 Insurance Commissioner: enforcement.
SB 738 Elections: funding.
SB 780 University of California: medical schools:
admissions criteria.
SB 811 Infant and child health.
SB 1120 Fair Political Practices Commission: funding.
SB 1208 Tobacco products.
SB 1260 Reproductive health and research.
SB 1346 Criminal procedure: disposition reports of
criminal cases.
SB 1383 Student financial aid: Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-V
asconcellos Cal Grant Program.
SB 1411 Interscholastic athletics: transfer eligibility.
SB 1435 IHSS pilot project: eligibility: purchase of
SB 1534 Public benefits.
SB 1654 Voting: absentee ballot.
SB 1706 Voter corruption: penalties.
SB 1711 Flu vaccinations: report.
SB 1757 Fair Political Practices Commission:
investigators: peace officers.
SCA 13 Biomedical research.
SCR 61 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
SCR 96 Deputy Sheriff Sandra Powell-Larson Memorial
SCR 99 Honoring the Sisters of Mercy.
SCR 134 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
SJR 17 Stem cell research.
SJR 34 School Medicaid services.
SR 36
SB 29 Budget Trailer Bill: Tobacco Surtax Fund.
SB 69 Education facilities bond acts: 2006 and 2008.
SB 74 Emergency Flood Protection and Levee Repair
Bond Act of 2006.
SB 247 The Boxing Act.
SB 357 State employees: memoranda of understanding:
State Bargaining Units 12 and 13.
SB 363 Hospitals: lift teams.
SB 364 Health care service plans.
SB 571 Adult day health care services: certification.
SB 572 Benefits: mental health.
SB 674 Oakland Army Base Public Trust Exchange Act.
SB 815 Workers' compensation: permanent disability:
SB 818 Student financial aid: Student Aid Commission.
SB 819 Postsecondary education: California
Postsecondary Education Commission.
SB 821 School districts: state-appointed
administrators: annual updates: school
SB 832 Punitive damages.
SB 862 Minimum wage increase.
SB 928 Public resources: solid waste.
SB 970 Charter schools: funding.
SB 1024 Public works and improvements: bond measure.
SB 1025 Transportation Investment Fund.
SB 1027 Ports: harbors: operations.
SB 1036 State scenic highway system.
SB 1057 Natural community conservation plans: costs.
SB 1076 Solid waste.
SB 1100 Hospital funding.
SB 1101 Information technology goods and services:
SB 1115 Underground storage tanks: corrective action.
SB 1204 Hospitals: lift teams.
SB 1233 Medi-Cal: prescription drug benefit.
SB 1250 Energy: cost-effective energy efficiency
programs: renewable energy resources.
SB 1266 Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality,
and Port Security Bond Act of 2006.
SB 1334 Medi-Cal: prescription drug benefit.
SB 1368 Electricity: emissions of greenhouse gases.
SB 1379 Biomonitoring.
SB 1446 Charter schools: funding.
SB 1628 San Francisco Bay Area Water Transit Authority.
SB 1680 School finance: attendance and enrollment.
SB 1689 Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Act of
SB 1717 School finance: revenue limit recalculation:
unified school districts.
SB 1718 Air pollution.
SB 1730 Workers' compensation: permanent disability
rating schedule.
SB 1797 Hazardous waste: identification.
SB 1798 California Environmental Quality Act: infill
SB 1799 Forest resources: heritage trees.
SB 1838 Health facilities: construction plans.
SB 1839 Air pollution: smog check: Inspection and
Maintenance Review Committee.
SBX1 1 School finance: local control.
SCAX1 4 Public school textbooks: adoption.
SCR 30 Legislative Counsel of California.
SCR 51 Legislative Blue Ribbon Commission on Autism.
SCR 135 Leo J. Trombatore State Office Building.
SCRX1 1 Joint Rules.
SCRX2 1 Joint Rules.
SR 3
SR 10
SR 14
SR 21
SR 25
SR 26
SB 28 Human remains: the Metropolitan Anthony
SB 177 Workers' compensation: labor-management
agreements: State of California.
SB 178 Workers compensation: private self-insurance
SB 179 Workers' compensation: fraud prevention.
SB 388 Gun violence public education program.
SB 391 Street gangs.
SB 424 Armenian Genocide.
SB 447 Youth authority.
SB 448 Crimes.
SB 450 Appeals: fugitive defendants.
SB 451 Identification: thumb and finger.
SB 453 Local law enforcement.
SB 506 Public officials.
SB 549 Workers' compensation: experience rating.
SB 698 Schoolbus replacement.
SB 754 Unitrust conversions.
SB 755 Pupils: educational enrichment: California
State Summer School for Mathematics and Science:
pupil assessment.
SB 839 Identity theft.
SB 844 Charter schools: chartering authority.
SB 855 Special access: liability.
SB 859 Agricultural policy.
SB 864 Sexually violent predators: term of commitment.
SB 865 Sexually violent predators.
SB 898 Weapons in state buildings.
SB 899 Substance abuse treatment funding.
SB 971 Assault: school employees.
SB 972 Crime victims: restitution.
SB 980 Pupil records.
SB 981 Drugs: schools: enhancements.
SB 1211 Estates and trusts: creditor's claims.
SB 1306 Pupils: Standardized Testing and Reporting
Program: reports to parents.
SB 1307 Medical information: confidentiality.
SB 1387 Personal identifying information.
SB 1388 Phishing.
SB 1389 Crime: false personation.
SB 1390 Crime statistics.
SB 1481 Commercial transactions.
SB 1503 Vehicle theft: probation.
SB 1545 Firearms.
SB 1564 Determinate sentencing.
SB 1565 Sentencing.
SB 1635 Inmates: work credits.
SB 1664 Sentencing: enhancements: repeat illegal aliens.
SB 1761 Victim services.
SBX2 7 Local detention facilities: bond act.
SB 86 School facilities.
SB 239 Corrections: media access.
SB 244 Continuing care retirement communities.
SB 266 Trauma care.
SB 267 California High School Exit Examination: pupils
with disabilities.
SB 272 Candidates: statements.
SB 274 Incompatible offices: elected and appointed
SB 314 Job training.
SB 318 Waste management.
SB 459 Air pollution: South Coast Air Quality
Management District: emissions of air
contaminants: locomotives.
SB 517 High school exit examination: pupils with
SB 573 Disability insurance: intoxication.
SB 586 High school exit examination: pupils with
SB 609 Juvenile justice reform.
SB 656 Taxation: alcoholic beverages.
SB 719 Police pursuits.
SB 737 Corrections.
SB 740 Public agencies.
SB 756 Discrimination: restrictive covenants.
SB 767 School district governance: study and report.
SB 770 Medi-Cal: provider enrollment.
SB 793 Department of the Youth Authority.
SB 795 Juvenile facilities: parole violators.
SB 797 Crimes: marijuana: possession: penalty.
SB 804 State prisons.
SB 814 Prisons: segregation.
SB 874 Public contracts.
SB 953 Vehicles: registration: amnesty: replica
SB 961 Burglary.
SB 1281 Public contracts.
SB 1339 Emergency medical services.
SB 1350 Trauma care funding: regional funding
SB 1353 Medi-Cal: provider enrollment.
SB 1373 Division of Juvenile Justice: parole:
consideration dates.
SB 1482 Child custody.
SB 1513 California International Trade and Investment
SB 1521 Prisons: media access.
SB 1547 Corrections: inmate population.
SB 1577 Schools: accreditation.
SB 1589 Division of Juvenile Justice: specialized
SB 1592 Pupils: high school exit examination.
SB 1631 Personnel records.
SB 1642 Sentencing: three strikes.
SB 1660 In-Home Supportive Services: provider wage and
benefit increases.
SB 1684 High school: diploma of graduation.
SB 1690 Unemployment insurance: disability compensation
and employment training contracts.
SB 1811 Emergency medical services: training.
SB 1815 Workers' compensation: peace officers.
SCA 10 Government reform: conference committee.
SCR 46 Ruben Salazar Memorial Highway.
SCR 71 American Heart Month.
SCR 109 "Denim Day California."
SCR 113 The Great American Boycott 2006
SR 2
SR 12
SR 18
SR 28
SR 29
SB 126 Emergency services: liability.
SB 143 Statistical districts: Antelope Valley.
SB 144 Retail food.
SB 147 Fetal pain prevention.
SB 159 Inmates: health care services.
SB 221 Data analysis: Antelope Valley.
SB 222 Privacy: social security numbers.
SB 430 Charter schools.
SB 456 Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM): federal
SB 474 Water quality control: state policy.
SB 475 Drinking water: residential self-regenerating
water softeners: Santa Clara River.
SB 476 Environmental quality: environmental impact
reports: waste projects.
SB 534 Telecommunications: mobile telephony services.
SB 535 Design-build contracts: City of Victorville.
SB 561 Toll road agreements.
SB 588 The Sexual Predator Punishment and Control Act:
Jessica's Law.
SB 653 Alcohol and drug programs.
SB 654 Healthy Families Program.
SB 705 Design-build contracts.
SB 776 Health care districts: mortgage insurance,
loans, credit.
SB 830 Common interest developments.
SB 875 After School Education and Safety Program:
career technical education.
SB 896 Inmates: health care services.
SB 939 Concealed firearms.
SB 1164 Education facilities bond acts.
SB 1185 School employees: compulsory leave of absence
SB 1217 Class size reduction: Lancaster School District.
SB 1232 Division of Licensing: out-of-state physicians
and surgeons.
SB 1247 Fingerprinting: certification.
SB 1303 Pupils: concurrent enrollment: high school:
community college.
SB 1304 Community colleges: facilities.
SB 1316 Design-build contracts: City of Victorville.
SB 1326 School districts: reorganization of large
SB 1420 Probation: officers: funding.
SB 1477 Owner-occupied housing.
SB 1566 Community colleges: equalization funding.
SB 1584 Income Tax: health savings account.
SB 1593 Vehicles: removal: private property.
SB 1596 Nurse-Family Partnership program.
SB 1643 Sales and use taxes: exemptions: manufacturers.
SB 1691 California State Pharmacy Assistance Program.
SB 1724 California State University.
SB 1746 Health care reporting: public access.
SB 1764 Kindergarten: age of admission.
SB 1807 Surplus property: California Department of
Forestry and Fire Protection fire station.
SB 1812 Department of Transportation: surface
transportation project delivery pilot program.
SB 1813 Civil actions: unlawful detainer: controlled
SBX2 1 Correctional facilities: revenue bonds.
SBX2 2 Corrections: training academy.
SCA 16 Judicial districts: superior court judges.
SCA 21 State budget.
SCAX1 1 School districts: employment decisions.
SCR 14 Satellite industry.
SCR 93 California Highway Patrol Officers James E.
Pence, Jr., Roger D. Gore, Walter C. Frago, and
George M. Alleyn Memorial Highway.
SB 47 Clinics.
SB 48 Ammunition.
SB 70 Vocational education.
SB 148 Alcoholic beverages: licenses.
SB 163 Pharmaceutical information: clinical trial data.
SB 192 Annuities: seniors.
SB 207 Vehicles: driving-under-the-influence:
SB 218 Termination of parental rights: prospective
adoptive parents.
SB 271 Charitable gift annuities.
SB 298 Transportation: local funding.
SB 302 Adoption.
SB 352 Chief Business Officer Training Program.
SB 358 Child care.
SB 361 Community colleges: funding.
SB 428 Teachers.
SB 652 Public postsecondary education: transfer of
community college students to the University of
SB 659 Student financial aid: state-funded student
financial aid: Scholarshare account balances.
SB 724 Public postsecondary education: California State
University: Doctor of Education degrees.
SB 745 Title insurance: mergers and acquisitions:
SB 794 Vocational education: requirements.
SB 845 Postsecondary education: College Opportunity Act
of 2006.
SB 871 Postsecondary education accountability:
California Postsecondary Education
Accountability Act of 2005.
SB 897 International trade and investment office:
SB 904 Candidates: campaign practices.
SB 964 Career technical education: curricula.
SB 1053 Schoolsite funding: Local Improvement Program.
SB 1116 Conservatorships.
SB 1209 Teachers: teacher credentialing: out-of-state
teachers: professional growth programs: teacher
SB 1223 Hearing aids.
SB 1234 Vocational education: career technical training:
course approval.
SB 1275 Special education local plan areas: nonpublic,
nonsectarian school placements.
SB 1284 School performance.
SB 1292 Teachers: limited-English-proficient pupils.
SB 1309 Nursing education: grants, loan assumptions, and
faculty recruiting and retention.
SB 1325 Adoption.
SB 1403 Medi-Cal: dental restoration documentation
SB 1415 Surplus school property: use of proceeds.
SB 1428 Unemployment compensation: employer: motion
picture industry.
SB 1533 Paraprofessional teachers.
SB 1538 Firearms.
SB 1552 California Community Colleges Economic and
Workforce Development Program.
SB 1590 California Community Colleges Economic and
Workforce Development Program.
SB 1594 Postsecondary education: part-time faculty.
SB 1655 Teachers: voluntary transfers.
SB 1683 Pharmaceutical information: clinical trial data.
SB 1709 Postsecondary education: College Opportunity Act
of 2006.
SCR 2 Arts Education Month.
SCR 23 Lyme Disease Awareness Week.
SCR 64 Arts Education Month.
SCR 102 Construction Career Awareness Day.
SCR 103 Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
SB 107 Renewable energy: Public Interest Energy
Research, Demonstration, and Development Program.
SB 188 CalWORKs eligibility: income: California
National Guard earnings and payments.
SB 201 Marine finfish aquaculture: leases.
SB 202 Privacy: telephone calling pattern record or
SB 203 Transactions and use taxes: County of San Mateo:
parks and recreation.
SB 307 Dextromethorphan: sale to minors prohibited.
SB 308 Recording fees: Elder and Dependent Adult
Financial Abuse Prevention Trust Fund.
SB 369 Solid waste: tire recycling: rubberized asphalt
SB 398 Insurance Commissioner.
SB 419 Hazardous materials: transportation: railroad
tank cars.
SB 420 Public contracts: procurements: recycled
SB 421 Hazardous substances: illegal drug labs: funding.
SB 422 Small claims court: jurisdiction.
SB 423 Electricity: charges: charitable organizations.
SB 426 State Energy Resources Conservation and
Development Commission: liquefied natural gas
SB 433 Department of Motor Vehicles: personal
SB 434 False reporting.
SB 439 Public records: disclosure: public investment
SB 497 Vessels: releases.
SB 679 Aid to Families with Dependent Children-Foster
Care: group homes: definition.
SB 680 Congestion management and transportation
improvements: Santa Clara Valley Transportation
SB 681 Transportation: pedestrian access.
SB 687 School accountability report card: reporting
requirements: standardized template: review and
SB 729 Water quality.
SB 768 Identity Information Protection Act of 2006.
SB 769 Energy Reliability and Affordability Act:
energy-efficient refrigerators.
SB 771 Oceangoing ships.
SB 798 Prescription drugs: collection and distribution
SB 799 Special filing fees.
SB 800 Vehicles: tow trucks: authorized emergency
vehicles: avoidance on highway: flashing amber
warning lights.
SB 801 Sales and use taxes: prepayments: returns.
SB 802 Debit cards.
SB 807 Evidence: pentitential communications: documents.
SB 913 Medication therapies: rheumatic diseases.
SB 956 San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
SB 958 School districts: declining enrollment.
SB 960 Hazardous waste: research database.
SB 1018 Elder and dependent adult abuse.
SB 1072 Professional development block grant
SB 1073 Instructional strategies: subject matter
SB 1077 Education finance: revenue limit equalization.
SB 1078 Pupil attendance: electronic monitoring.
SB 1358 School finance: revenue limits.
SB 1457 School district: postretirement employee
SB 1458 Hazardous substances: illegal drug labs: cleanup
SB 1459 Political Reform Act of 1974: Insurance
Commissioner campaigns.
SB 1608 Transportation: landscaping projects.
SB 1609 Reverse mortgages: annuities.
SB 1610 Vehicles: emergency vehicles.
SB 1611 Congestion management fees.
SB 1612 Clean Drinking Water, Water Supply Security, and
Environmental Improvement Bond Act of 2006.
SB 1613 Vehicles: wireless telephones.
SB 1614 Teachers: information system: identification
SB 1615 State agencies: collection of data: ancestry or
ethnic origin.
SCA 8 Taxation: educational entities: parcel tax.
SCA 31 Clean Drinking Water, Water Supply Security, and
Environmental Improvement Bond Act of 2006.
SCR 31 Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Education.
SCR 60 City of Santa Cruz: "Surf City, U.S.A."
SJR 33 Elder abuse awareness stamp.
SB 8 Political Reform Act of 1974: local officials:
conflicts of interest.
SB 141 Residential care facilities: preadmission fee
SB 151 Vehicles: school pedestrian-bicyclist safety
SB 156 Public safety: firefighting.
SB 161 California Youth Access to Information Act.
SB 166 Charter schools: charter renewal.
SB 187 Drinking water: contaminants.
SB 225 Carl Moyer program.
SB 351 Emergency services: derailment evacuation plans
and training.
SB 376 Three Valleys Municipal Water District: standby
charge authority.
SB 441 Parks and recreation: Glen Helen Regional Park.
SB 477 Emergency services: recovery process.
SB 488 Contractors.
SB 513 California National Guard: benefits and
protection: deferral of interest on financial
SB 584 Trespass.
SB 601 Build California Bond Act of 2006.
SB 626 Impounding vehicles.
SB 685 State Fire Marshal: firefighting training and
curriculum: criteria development.
SB 699 AIDS: HIV reporting.
SB 750 State employees: State Bargaining Unit 3.
SB 777 County employees' retirement.
SB 812 Schools: education technology: access and
instructional integration.
SB 945 HIV testing.
SB 955 Public safety: firefighting.
SB 997 State military reservists: service awards.
SB 1006 Schools: educational technology access and
instructional integration.
SB 1054 Charter schools: California Building Standards
SB 1069 Redevelopment: bonds.
SB 1093 Disability retirement: state employees.
SB 1094 State Teachers' Retirement Plan: creditable
SB 1197 Notice of decedent's death.
SB 1244 National Guard: volunteers: travel and uniform
SB 1273 Public Employees' Retirement System: area agency
on aging.
SB 1295 Criminal procedure.
SB 1311 Liability waivers.
SB 1327 Compulsory education law: individuals with
exceptional needs: discipline.
SB 1335 Licensed community care facilities: licensing
inspections: residential care for children.
SB 1349 Animal fighting exhibitions.
SB 1377 State Air Resources Board: powers and duties.
SB 1405 Medi-Cal: interpreter services.
SB 1447 State excluded employees: management incentive
SB 1465 State teachers' retirement.
SB 1479 Office of Emergency Services: disaster
information center.
SB 1509 Zoning regulations.
SB 1567 English language education: teacher coaching
SB 1641 Foster care providers.
SB 1678 Nell Soto Parent/Teacher Involvement Program:
high school exit examination: home visits.
SB 1697 Military service: benefits.
SB 1729 Public employees: benefits.
SBX1 4 Insurance fraud.
SCR 20 CHP Officer Thomas J. Steiner Memorial Highway.
SCR 95 Officer Richard Hyche Memorial Freeway.
SCR 117 PERS: reverse annuity mortgages.
SCR 119 Polio Awareness Year.
SJR 6 Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
SJR 8 Federal Enhancing Education Through Technology
SR 11
SB 2 Homeowners' insurance: valuation: continuing
SB 30 Tax deductions: 529 College Savings Plans.
SB 37 Prohibited substances.
SB 105 Disability retirement: medical examinations.
SB 149 Local fiscal relief: property tax allocations:
Broadmoor Police Protection District.
SB 152 Pseudoephedrine.
SB 165 State Personnel Board: reprisal or retaliation.
SB 167 Seismic and patient safety.
SB 256 California National Guard: life insurance
premium reimbursement.
SB 261 Sex offenders: statute of limitations.
SB 263 Sellers of travel: regulation.
SB 292 Workers' compensation.
SB 367 Health care complaint system.
SB 375 Medicare supplement coverage.
SB 410 Structured settlements.
SB 440 Telecommunications: billing.
SB 458 Health care: county organized health systems.
SB 550 Privacy.
SB 611 Meat and poultry recalls.
SB 616 Inmate health care.
SB 617 Women prisoners: Gender Specific Standards for
Women in Prison Task Force.
SB 618 Sentencing: programs.
SB 619 Electronic monitoring of offenders.
SB 620 Youth and adult facilities: random searches.
SB 621 Memoranda of understanding: addenda and posting.
SB 622 Correctional facilities: educational programs.
SB 634 Health insurance: claims practices.
SB 637 Motor vehicle sales.
SB 688 The Skin Cancer Prevention Act for California
SB 689 Vehicles: organ and tissue donors: registry.
SB 691 Vehicles: special interest license plates: fees:
SB 704 State employees: protective clothing.
SB 708 Drug discount program: conditions of
SB 709 Community colleges: board of governors.
SB 730 Organic products: aquaculture products.
SB 736 Healing arts: diagnostic imaging services.
SB 739 Hospitals: infection control.
SB 749 Health care coverage: pervasive developmental
SB 790 Covered loans.
SB 806 Provisional licensing program.
SB 810 Parking: driveways.
SB 861 Animals: dogs: spay, neuter, and breeding
SB 877 County employees retirement: incapacity.
SB 916 Workers' compensation: defined benefits plans:
disability indemnity benefits.
SB 917 Payers' Bill of Rights: diagnostic related
SB 918 Public postsecondary education: academic
standards for high school preparation for
applicants to California State University and
University of California.
SB 924 Driving schools: motortrucks: Class A commercial
driver's licenses.
SB 1105 Life insurance: travel.
SB 1178 Sex offenders: continuous electronic monitoring.
SB 1299 Controlled substances: precursors: phencyclidine
or methamphetamine.
SB 1452 State audits.
SB 1453 Participation in inprison drug treatment
program: mandatory aftercare.
SB 1478 Toxic chemicals: release form.
SB 1492 Automotive body repair: insurance claims.
SB 1500 Drug programs.
SB 1524 Limitation of actions: Armenian Genocide victims.
SB 1555 Umbilical cord blood banking: education:
prenatal screening.
SB 1629 Public contracts: the Federal Laboratory
Contracting Act.
SB 1702 Health care coverage.
SB 1731 Guidance counseling: funding.
SB 1751 Student financial aid: Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-V
asconcellos Cal Grant Program.
SBX1 3 Disability retirement: medical examinations.
SBX2 5 Corrections: inmates: out of state transfers.
SBX2 6 Corrections: female inmates: community
SBX2 9 Corrections: community facility beds: female
SCA 17 State officers: outside income.
SCR 25 Employer safety practices.
SCR 49 Medication errors panel.
SCR 67 Shaken Baby Syndrome Awareness Week.
SJR 2 Armenian Genocide: Day of Remembrance.
SJR 5 Food recalls.
SJR 22 Microbicide Development Act.
SR 1
SR 9
SB 3 Highways: Safety Enhancement-Double Fine Zones.
SB 44 Vehicles: dealer document preparation charges.
SB 66 Bay Area state-owned toll bridges: financing.
SB 172 Bay area state-owned toll bridges: financing.
SB 223 Infill housing.
SB 253 Housing.
SB 254 State property: vending machines.
SB 255 Vessel registration: fees.
SB 275 Transportation needs assessment.
SB 309 Energy resources: petroleum infrastructure
projects: legislative findings and declarations.
SB 362 Physical education.
SB 371 Public contracts: design-build contracting:
transportation entities.
SB 504 Real property sales contracts.
SB 521 Recording fees: Contra Costa County.
SB 522 State property: vending machines.
SB 523 Bicycle Transportation Account: funding.
SB 524 Retirement: Contra Costa County.
SB 525 State teachers' retirement: benefits.
SB 532 BB devices.
SB 559 Health facilities: general acute care hospitals:
consolidated permits.
SB 562 Physical education: California Interscholastic
SB 564 Cigarette and tobacco products taxes: California
Healthy Children Trust Fund.
SB 567 Pupil nutrition: school wellness policy.
SB 569 Public postsecondary education: California State
University and University of California:
disclosure of alumni names, addresses, and
electronic mail addresses.
SB 575 Housing development projects.
SB 594 Custody and visitation: sex offenders.
SB 597 Good driver discounts: drunk drivers.
SB 598 Vehicles: leaving the scene of an accident.
SB 638 Before and after school programs.
SB 651 Vehicles: special interest license plates.
SB 710 Surplus residential property.
SB 731 State and local government.
SB 734 Controlled substances.
SB 735 Trespass.
SB 842 Teacher development: recruitment, training, and
SB 940 Public works.
SB 943 Real property: real estate agents.
SB 950 Housing.
SB 968 Domestic violence: Contra Costa County.
SB 1124 Teacher development: recruitment, training, and
SB 1133 School districts and community college
districts: minimum funding.
SB 1210 Eminent domain.
SB 1212 Continuing care retirement communities: provider
financial requirements.
SB 1317 Property tax revenue allocations: public
utilities: qualified property.
SB 1359 Subsurface installations: excavations.
SB 1433 Teachers: professional development: California
Teacher Leadership Pilot Program.
SB 1454 Crimes: hazing.
SB 1556 Parks: The Great California Delta Trail System.
SB 1677 School facilities: joint-use facilities.
SB 1774 Before and after school programs: appropriations.
SB 1814 CEQA: schools.
SB 1817 Real property disclosures.
SCA 7 Transportation Investment Fund.
SCA 12 Education funding: before and after school
SCA 24 Eminent domain.
SCR 4 Public health awareness.
SCR 33 California Fitness Month.
SCR 62 California Delta Trail.
SCR 73 California Task Force on Youth and Workplace
SCR 90 10 Steps to a Healthy California.
SCR 105 California Fitness Month.
SCR 110 National Library Week.
SR 8
SB 170 School employees: termination.
SB 175 Gambling Control Act: licenses.
SB 495 Traveling carnivals.
SB 746 Horse racing.
SB 934 Dogs and cats: spay or neuter agreement:
penalties for violation.
SB 1361 Psychologists: applicants for licensure.
SB 1381 Stewards: overruled decisions: evidence.
SB 1385 School employees: termination.
SB 1652 Community colleges: facilities: leases.
SB 1663 Community colleges: accreditation.
SB 1695 Horse racing: wagering.
SB 1750 Child development centers: funding and auditing.